  • 學位論文


Green Technology and Local Use: An Analysis of the Photovoltaic Socio-Technical Networks in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳嘉苓
共同指導教授 : 曾嬿芬(Yen-Fen Tseng)


本文的核心主旨在於考察太陽光電科技如何轉化、納入現有能源結構、電力系統與社會世界的歷史進程,並從中探索不同階段的相關行動者(特別是常民使用者),如何共同形構太陽光電應用的獨特樣貌。在研究方法上,本文採用多場址民族誌,透過二手文獻檔案分析、田野觀察和深度訪談等資料蒐集管道,描繪台灣太陽光電的在地使用概況。 在「多重社會技術網絡」的分析架構下,首先,本文指出國內太陽光電發展可區分為:離網試驗、示範推廣、普及應用等三大歷史進程,並形成一種既彼此關聯、又旨趣各異的結構內涵。其次,本文進一步以屏東養水種電計畫為例,闡述綠能科技的地方治理及公民參與經驗,並藉此呈現太陽光電邁入在地使用的階段開展。簡言之,本文所提出的「多重社會技術網絡」概念,主要涉及兩種層次:一個是貫穿整體科技發展的歷史時期,另一層次則是邁向在地使用的階段過程。研究結果也發現,台灣太陽光電的社會技術網絡不僅具有「多重性」、「斷裂性」,此外更是一種蘊含權力關係的多層次網絡。由此本文認為,若要擴展太陽光電的在地使用,我們必須同時處理使用者、推廣單位、新/舊能源產業、地方/中央政府之間的權力關係,才能理解公民參與科技發展所面臨的實際問題與制度限制。 總結而言,本研究貢獻主要在於:(一)理論層面:從在地使用的社會技術網絡出發,整合太陽光電發展的巨觀結構與微觀行動,並提出科技使用及公民參與的重要性。(二)經驗層面:透過台灣太陽光電發展的在地經驗考察,提出當代適當科技的理念與實踐參考。(三)政策層面:本文也針對國內再生能源政策提出建言。其中明白指出,政府若要促進太陽光電系統的普及設置,必須重視使用者經驗、提出促進公民參與的規劃設計,以作為邁向能源民主化的政策方針。


This study primarily aims to examine the historical progress of converting and including photovoltaics technology into the existing energy structure, power system, and social world. Through this examination, I investigated how relevant actors (particularly lay users) in different stages worked together to configure the unique appearances of photovoltaic applications. I used multi-site ethnography and depicted the local use of photovoltaics in Taiwan through secondary literature analysis, field observation, in-depth interviews, and other data collection channels. Using “multiple socio-technical networks” as the analytical framework, the study first suggests that the development of domestic photovoltaics can be divided into three major historical processes—off-grid testing, demonstration, and popular applications—and that these processes form a structural connotation that is correlated but different in terms of purpose. Second, the study considers the aqua solar farm project in Pingtung County as an example to elaborate on the experiences of local governance and public participation in green technology, thereby demonstrating the stages of implementing photovoltaic applications. In brief, the proposed concept of multiple socio-technical networks in the study mainly involves two levels. The first level is the historical period that runs throughout technological development, and the second level is the staging process that moves toward local use. The results show that the photovoltaic socio-technical networks in Taiwan are not only multiple and disruptive but also more like a multilevel network containing power relations. Based on this, the study argues that to expand the local use of photovoltaics, we must deal with the power relations among users, promotional organizations, new/old energy industries, and local/central governments to gain an understanding of the practical problems and system constraints faced by public participation in technological development. In conclusion, the main contributions of this study are as follows. (1) The theoretical aspect: starting from the local use of socio-technical networks, the study integrates the macroscopic structure and microscopic actions of photovoltaic development and notes the importance of technology usage and public participation. (2) The experience aspect: through empirical investigation on photovoltaic development in Taiwan, the study proposes the concept of appropriate technology as well as practical reference. (3) The policy aspect: the study also proposes recommendations for domestic policies on renewable energy and clarifies that in order to promote the popularization of photovoltaic systems, the government must focus on user experience and advance planning and design that encourage greater public participation. This could serve as a policy approach toward the democratization of energy.




