  • 學位論文


Resources Mobilization and Internationalization Strategies in Social Movement: A Case Study of “Sunflower Movement”

指導教授 : 林麗雲


在網路新科技發達的時代,各種社群媒體、雲端科技等,讓訊息的傳遞更加無遠弗屆,造就了社會運動宣傳理念及訴求的助力。尤其是社群媒體在為社會運動宣傳方面,更是發揮的淋漓盡致,因為社群媒體本身的互動、分享、即時、及人際網絡的特性,讓運動組織可以快速的動員許多人力並加以發送訊息宣傳,建立起高效率動員速度,和覆蓋面廣泛的運動網絡,跨越傳統媒體不可接觸到的族群,觸及到世界各個角落。再透過專業人員的運動籌劃與翻譯,大大提升運動在國際上的能見度,達到運動目標。   在推行網路社會運動的過程中,本研究以資源動員論的觀點來探討「太陽花學運」如何動員資源進行社群媒體的國際宣傳?並據以發展媒體策略?以運動組織成立的「國際部」為研究對象,探討其使用何種資源與策略在網路上進行運動的國際宣傳。   透過深度訪談及框架分析,研究發現,各資源有互相強化、延伸的作用,甚至隨著網路新科技的發達,有取代的作用。其中,人才資源所附帶的文化資本更將運動的文化意涵發揚光大,以翻譯運動的核心價值來對國際宣傳,主動、積極地為運動的國際能見度發展強勢的「媒體策略」來近用國際媒體。   研究總結,太陽花學運「國際部」的最大價值是,以服貿議題做基礎,打破國民黨與中國兩者之間設立好的政治議程搬到國際層面討論,讓外媒重新去評估、檢視這樣的議程如何影響到整個亞洲,重新定位台灣在整個亞洲的地位,這些都是靠國際部透過翻譯來巧妙的規劃策略的運用來把台灣重新搬上國際,是這次運動很重要的國際戰略成就,也是台灣未來在推行社會運動上的啟示。


In this highly developed Internet technological era, various social media and Cloud technology make no boundary in dissemination of information, which also help to disseminate ideas and demands of social movements. Especially social media has contributed a lot in promoting social movements with its fast-shared, mutual interactive, instant, and networking features, makes large-scale mobilization possible and sends out messages for propaganda instantly. Social media has built up the pace of mobilization in an efficient manner and far-reaching demonstration networks, which strides across the boundary that traditional media cannot do, reaches to the audiences in every part of the world. Moreover, with the help of professional staffs and expertise in planning and translating demonstration messages, exalt visibility of social movements internationally, and eventually help them reach their goals. In order to promote social movements on the Internet, this case study of Sunflower Movement is based on the perspective of Resources Mobilization Theory to analyze how to use resources along with social media to implement international propaganda for social movement, and what kind of internationalization strategies it uses on international media access. This study focuses on the internal organ of Sunflower Movement, International Department, analyzes what resources and strategies it uses to promote Sunflower Movement internationally. Through in-depth interviews with members of International Department and Frame Analysis, the results show that resources could enhance and extend their effects with one another, especially with the progress of Internet technology, contributes in replacing them with one another. In the resources typology, Human Resources carry an important value, which is cultural capital, helps to promote cultural meaning behind the movement by translating the core values and demands with an active action in order to make the movement more visible by the internal world based on powerful strategies and international media access. To conclude, the International Department uses Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement as a foundation to break the political agenda that's been set solely between Kuomintang and China in order to get it discussed on the international level. Also, it aims at letting international media to re-evaluate and review how the political agenda will make influence in Asia in order to reposition Taiwan as an important player in Asia. Under such regards, the International Department played an important role in planning strategies and translating information about the movement in order to make Taiwan related issues to be discussed on the international level. Its tremendous achievement can be considered an important international strategy for social movement, also it is a revelation for Taiwan social movement to implement in the future.


