  • 學位論文


The Reliability Assessment for Fire Safety Response System in the Underground MRT Station

指導教授 : 龍天立
共同指導教授 : 蔡輝昇(Hui-Sheng Tsay)


都市地區因土地取得不易,捷運車站多採地下化方式建造,由安全的角度觀之,地下站體將增加民眾逃生困難度,由2003年2月18日韓國大邱地鐵火災事件,造成198死146傷之慘重案例發現,地下空間易形成悶燒,產生大量濃煙,人員處於火場極大環境壓力下,易失去理智判斷,造成後續更嚴重災情,考量火場為一不確定性高之環境,適合以機率方式呈現車站安全,故引入系統可靠度概念,評估捷運車站安全性。 由逃生子系統與消防子系統兩方面,建構車站火災應變安全系統模型,且加入適當之人員因素考量。假設火源發生在月台層,火場中能順利滅火為一安全狀態,如未能控制火勢,人員可及時逃離穿堂層通往地面亦為一安全狀態。依此定義,估算出捷運公館站安全系統可靠度為92.5%,即公館站旅客處於火災環境下,可確保生命安全之機率為92.5%。 若加強排煙設備,完全排除月台中央火源釋放之煙霧,安全系統可靠度上升1.8%,至94.3%;如利用自動偵煙警報器縮短通報時間,使站務人員趕在尚能以滅火器滅火前撲滅火勢,則安全可靠度可提高2.8%,至95.3%;如平日教導旅客使用滅火設備,使旅客處於火災現場可自行拿滅火設備撲滅火勢,則可靠度可上升5.2%,至97.7%。顯示加快應變速度及時滅火,比設備的精進更能確保民眾生命安全。


Due to the difficulties of obtaining land properties in urban areas, MRT stations are often constructed underground. From safety aspects, underground establishments are sure to increase the complexity of emergency escapes. In 2003, Feb, 18, 198 deaths, and 146 wounded from the accident taken place in Taegu Korea. Smothering and massive smoke are most common in underground fire accidents. In such events, people are usually under great stress and irrationality, and by misjudgments of the current condition, it will inevitably lead to unimaginable disasters. Fire accidents are often an indefinite environment, and it is appropriate to render stochastic methods to illustrate the safety of a location. This is why in this research we applied the concepts of reliability to evaluate the safety of a MRT station. By evacuation subsystem and fire-control subsystem, we constructed a fire safety responsive model, we also included human factors. Suppose that the fire initiated on the platform of the station, when successfully extinguishes the fire, within the platform, we considered it a secure state. If fire was uncontrollable, then evacuating the civilians to a safety locality is considered another secure state. By the previously mentioned definition, we calculated that the reliability of MRT Gong-guan station is about 92.5%, in plain words, there is 92.5% of getting out the station alive. Furthermore, if smoke exhaustion facilities were available, and it was able to vacuum all the smoke, then the reliability would increase by 1.8% to 94.3%; Also, if smoke detectors were able to alert the station personnel to put out the fire in time, then the reliability would increase by 2.8% to 95.3%; Moreover, if proper and frequent training of using the fire extinguishing equipments were instructed to all passengers, making them capable of putting out the fire appropriately, then the reliability will increase by 5.2% to 97.7%. In conclusion, we are able to understand that the ability to putting out on site as fast as possible, would be far more beneficial in saving lives than having highly sophisticated equipments or facilities.


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