  • 學位論文


Factors associated with adolescents’ volunteering and impact on their positive development

指導教授 : 陳毓文


近二十年來,國內為了呼應國際間對青年志工的重視,推動許多方案鼓勵青少年參與志願服務,如設立青年志工中心、成立區域和平志工團、推動服務學習方案等,同時,民間許多組織也為鼓勵青少年志工,舉行選拔表揚大會。相關方案、制度似乎展現對青少年參與志願服務的重視,然而根深柢固的升學主義,使學校、家庭仍期待青少年以學業為重,成為推展青少年志願服務的巨大障礙。研究者認為要打破此困境,必須讓整體社會了解從事志願服務對青少年的助益非學校或家庭教育可替代。因此,本研究即欲探究志願服務與青少年自尊、人際關係與公民意識三發展層面的相關性,同時檢視可解釋青少年參與志願服務的社會環境因素,最後,因國內近十年大力推展服務學習方案,本研究將分析服務學習與志願服務對青少年自我、人際與公民意識三發展層面是否有差異性。 本研究以隨機與立意抽樣兩種方式抽取605位台北市與新北市高中職學生作為研究參與者,進行自陳式問卷調查,有效問卷數為586分。研究結果發現:1.有志願服務經驗的青少年,其自尊、人際關係與公民意識的表現較佳,且當參與程度越高,青少年志工之自尊高、人際關係與公民意識越好;而參與服務學習,則與青少年以上三層面發展無關。2.獲得較多同儕與家人支持,且越多同儕有志願服務經驗,可提升青少年參與志願服務的可能性,除此之外,當青少年加入志願服務行列後,服務單位提供越多協助與教導,青少年將更投入其中。根據此研究結果,本研究認為應支持鼓勵青少年參與服務,並將青少年視為主體,重視其想法與意見,規劃青少年與同儕共同參與服務的方案,也期待服務單位提供更多資源督導青少年志工,有利青少年志工持續、深入參與志願服務。最後,相關單位應重新檢視服務學習的意涵與推展模式,才能發揮服務學習的真正成效。


To echo the growing concerns on adolescents’ volunteering work internationally over the past two decades, Taiwan has been working on establishing Youth Volunteering Centers, Youth Volunteer Services for Regional Peace, and implementing service-learning programs to encourage young people to get involved in voluntary services. Meanwhile, NGOs will hold awarding ceremonies to encourage adolescents to participate in volunteering. It is obvious that the Government put great emphases on youth volunteering services by implementing policies and proposals related to this issue. However, most adults expect adolescents to spend more time in schoolwork instead of doing voluntary services, which becomes a great obstacle in promoting adolescents’ engagement in volunteering. It is important to have the society understand what young people can learn from participating volunteering work, and such experiences cannot be replaced by lessons taught schools. This study attempted to examine the relationship of self-esteem, interpersonal relationship, and sense of citizenship with volunteering, and to examine social factors related to adolescents’ participation in volunteering work. Since service-learning plans are widely promoted in recent years, the study also analyzed if service-learning and volunteering experiences had impact on the development of these youth differently. This study sampled 605 high school students in Taipei and New Taipei City to participate in the survey; 586 questionnaires had completed data. The results indicated that those who had volunteering experiences would have better interpersonal relationships, sense of citizenship, and higher self-esteem. However, participating in the service-learning program would have no impact on these aspects of positive development. Family and peer support increased the chances of participating in volunteering work. Aside from that, adolescents with more peers or friends participated in volunteering were more likely to be volunteers themselves. Those who obtained more assistance from supervisors would get involved more in their volunteering. In conclusion, volunteering experiences among youth people should be greatly encouraged. Supervisors at NGOs should pay more attention to young volunteers, appropriately provided assistance and support they need. Group volunteering programs – for young people to work with their friends – would definitely recruit more adolescents to be volunteers. Government and educational systems should reexamine the existing problems of service-learning and redesign it to increase adolescents’ intention to do volunteer work.


