  • 學位論文


Impacts of Lottery Selling on Retailer’s Income & Employment-Taking Taipei City for Example

指導教授 : 辛炳隆


我國的彩券發行,訂有「提升社會福利」及「促進弱勢就業」兩大發行目標,除了盈餘專供社會福利用途外,更將彩券經銷的權利保留給身心障礙者、原住民及低收入單親家庭等弱勢族群。然而經銷商需自負盈虧,使得這項社會福利需先通過市場的考驗才能獲得;另外在2類經銷商中,乙類經銷需具備一定資本上的條件,相對市場風險較高,故能夠持續經營者可能在財務及人力資本方面均較優勢,又因電腦型彩券銷售較佳,使得較為優勢的乙類經銷商之所得增加較多,而甲類經銷商卻需忍受較差的工作環境及不高的所得及收入。另外,立即型彩券與電腦型彩券在商品性質上相當類似,可能產生排擠效果,因而使得甲、乙兩類經銷商必需相互競爭。因此本文的研究目的,首先對實際從事彩券經銷商之年齡、教育等個人屬性、家庭經濟狀況、年資、所得等工作情形進行描述、分析彩券經銷商的所得及工作改善情形,並比較不同類別經銷商之間的差異,同時對於甲類經銷商沒有從事電腦型彩券銷售的原因加以分析。最後要分析立即型及電腦型彩券銷售間是否產生排擠效果。以及排擠效果對於甲類經銷商的所得與工作改善程度產生的影響。 本文以在台北市營業的公益彩券經銷商為研究對象,使用問卷調查方式進行,有效問卷共121份,其中甲類經銷商共38份,乙類經銷商為28份,甲、乙兼營業者為55份;經過敘述性統計分析及迴歸分析,本文發現,整體而言,公益彩券經銷商年齡多數在40歲到50歲之間,學歷則以高中職最多,但以不同類型經銷商來作比較,仍以甲類經銷商在個人屬性上屬於更加弱勢,且因門檻較低,吸引較多原屬待業或非勞動力之弱勢族群加入,且其所得及工作改善程度較乙類差。至於甲類經銷商無法從事業績較好的電腦型彩券的主要原因。在立即型彩券與電腦型彩券的排擠效果部分,在本研究尚無法得到證實,但感受到排擠效果之甲類經銷商,對於所得改善及工作的滿意程度較差。故本文建議政府及相關單位,在提供彩券經銷工作權予弱勢族群時,同時應考量如何降低資金的門檻與經營風險,例如提供創業的教育訓練及開業輔導等,甚至更積極的由發行銀行開設店面來雇用弱勢者,以使真正就業及經濟雙重弱勢者能自這項福利措施中獲利。


There are two major objectives for the issuance of Public Welfare Lottery. One is to improve social welfare, and the other is to promote the employment of vulnerable groups. In order to reach the second target, the Public Welfare Lottery Issue Act regulated that the lottery retailer license shall be reserved for the mentally or physically handicapped, aborigines, and the single parent family with low income. However, the lottery retailer has to be capable to afford market risks, and owns human and financial capital to maintain their business, especially for the computer-lottery retailers (type B) who have to meet a higher financial requirement. Thus, this study tries to describe the personal attribute of those retailers who are able to survive, and to compare the differences between scratch-lottery retailer (type A) and computer lottery retailers (type B). In addition, the characteristic of scratch-lottery and computer-lottery products are quiet similar, we assumed that there are crowded-out effect between two types of lotteries, and cause the competition of two types of retailers. In this study, we try to find out the influence of crowded-out effect. The study takes the lottery retailers in Taipei city as research objects, and investigates their characteristics and the condition of their business operations by questionnaire. We collected 121 samples, and adopted descriptive statistics and regression method to analyze them. In conclusion, most of the lottery retailers are in their middle age, and have low educational background. When it concerns about the differences between the two types of lottery retailers, we find that computer lottery retailers (type B) are obviously superior to type A retailers in human capital, moreover, there are more type A retailers who were unemployment or non-labor force when compared to type B retailers. As for the crowded-out effects, the study has no empirical evidence to demonstrate its existence, but the retailers who consider to be influenced by crowded effect have less improvement on income and work satisfaction. Therefore, we would like to suggest the authorities to decrease the market risks and capital barrier when offering preserved work opportunity to the vulnerable groups, so as to allow the most disadvantaged to benefit from such a social welfare measure.




