  • 學位論文


A System for Creating Course Material from a Digital Museum

指導教授 : 項潔


近年來政府極力的推動典藏品數位化,建立了許多資料豐富珍貴的數位博物館,目的就是希望能將這些典藏品更廣泛的被推廣出去,而推廣人員的協助能讓推廣效果更好,如果我們的學習者是中小學學生,那對應的推廣人員就是中小學老師。 目前數位博物館大多是提供固定的資源給推廣人員進行推廣教育,像是針對部分教學主題所做的教案建議,或是一些經由專家所設計出的教材網頁,但是由於學習者種類眾多,要能針對不同學習族群及學習需求製作出符合的教材,則會有不同的教材內容與呈現方式。因此,有別於現有數位博物館提供內容已經固定的教材資訊,本論文的目的是希望在數位博物館的內容下,提供給推廣人員一套可以自由選擇內容的教材建立工具。 本論文的系統架構是從分析數位博物館內容物開始,從這些數位博物館具備的內容中,我們會解釋如何將博物館內容對應到教材所需要的資訊,接著藉由我們系統所提供的工具,讓推廣人員將這些已經存在的數位博物館資料,整理擷取成教材所要呈現的模式,最後完成的教材會是由多個有順序的頁面所組合而成,而這些教材可以在建立者同意公開的情況下,被視為教材的範本,提供給其他推廣人員作為製作教材時的參考資料,進一步豐富數位博物館的內容。 我們以「蝴蝶生態面面觀」為例,實作本論文所提出的教材建立系統。我們將管理教材、製作教材與呈現教材的過程整合在同一個介面上,方便推廣人員可以利用蝴蝶生態面面觀內容製作出蝴蝶的相關教材。


數位博物館 教材


Digital museums have become popular in recent years. While some were built by real museums as a virtual alternative, many more do not have a physical correspondence. In addition to providing exhibitions that are open 24 hours a day, a digital museum also allows uses to gain access to the museum’s repository through a searchable digital archive that is often implemented as part of the system. This thesis explores the issue of using contents of a digital museum for education. Education is an important goal of digital museums. While some digital museums provide material for teachers to use in classrooms, they are usually static material such as web pages, which cannot be modified or re-arranged. We propose a tool for the users to extract content from a digital museum and the web and compose them into course material. We describe a mechanism to extract and organize information obtained from a digital museum. We also show how the course material created can be used in a classroom setting via serial display. If the author chooses to make the courses produced available, they can also be made public and accessed by other users through the web. To show the feasibility of our method, we built a prototype on an existing Digital Museum of Butterflies. We show how the system works by collect information, prepare lectures and present course materials about butterflies on the same platform.


Digital Museum course material


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[16] British Library: Learning Area, http://www.bl.uk/learning/index.html (2008.5.31)
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