  • 學位論文

葛超智對二二八事件與美國政府觀點之差異: 第一手觀察與外交決策間的矛盾

A Contradiction between A Firsthand Observer’s Recommendations and Policy Making: George Kerr’s view of the 2.28 Incident as contrasted with that of the United States Governmen

指導教授 : 黃富三


葛超智參與臺灣事務近三十年;在臺灣期間,他有民間及官方立場的獨特經驗,並因提倡臺灣獨立而聞名。當葛超智為國防部、海軍、國務院工作時,他首先目睹了臺灣歷史裡動盪的十年。毫無疑問的,他被臺灣政權從日本移轉到國民黨期間內所發生的一連串事件深深地撼動。 葛超智對國民黨的意見乃是眾所皆知的:這是段探索他在臺灣時,尤其是在親眼目睹了許多事件後,他的觀點如何改變的歷程。二二八事件後,葛超智對台獨的的建議是越發堅定,而當時那些他所預見的暴行,早已成為過往。他主張臺灣應該移交託管—成為美國之託管地。這種 「帝國主義」觀點,在華盛頓當局並不受歡迎。於是,葛超智開始對政府的立場及華府當局感到十分失望。當許許多多無辜的臺灣人失去他們的生命及自由時,有關當局忽略了他的警告,於是,他決定離開他們。 對於美國對國民黨和蔣中正在政經上的援助,葛超智一直感到無力,這也導致他的離職;但也開啟了他的學術之路。 本論文除了參考葛超智與相關學者的出版品外,主要引用台北二二八紀念念館和美國國務院中央檔案機密文件最近解碼的筆記、文件、備忘錄及信件等資料。透過這些材料,本論文將會述介葛超智戰前的經歷,探究他對二二八事件的觀察、反應以及對美國政府的提案,並與事件當時美國政府的立場與和反應相互比對,最後檢視為何美國沒有接收他的意見。


葛超智 二二八事件後 台灣


George Kerr was involved in Formosan affairs for nearly thirty years, and is a renowned advocate of Formosan independence. He had the unique opportunity of serving both civilian and commissioned roles while stationed in Taiwan. When working for the War Department, the Navy, and the Department of State, Kerr witnessed a tumultuous decade of Taiwanese history firsthand. Undoubtedly, Kerr was deeply touched by the sequence of events surrounding the transfer of Formosan sovereignty from the hands of the Japanese to those of the Chinese. Kerr’s opinion of the Chinese Nationalists is far from unknown: this is an exploration of how this opinion changed during the time he spent in Taiwan, especially after personally witnessing many events. After the February Incident, Kerr became more adamant about his recommendation for Formosan independence- now that atrocities he foresaw were truly coming to pass. Kerr proposed that Formosa be granted trusteeship- as a trust territory of the United States. This ‘imperialist’ view was unpopular in Washington and, after it fell on deaf ears, Kerr became increasingly frustrated with the US Government view and Washington politics. He left an administration that had failed to heed his warnings as many innocent Taiwanese lost their lives and their liberty. Kerr felt continued frustration of the US political and financial support of the Nationalist party and Chiang Kai-shek, which eventually led to his resignation and his entrance into academia. Using Kerr’s published works as well as recently declassified notes, documents, memoranda and correspondence from the Taipei 2.28 Memorial Museum and declassified U.S. State Department Central Files, this paper will examine Kerr’s observations and reactions to the 2.28 incident and his proposals to the U.S. government, contrasted with the position and actions of the U.S. government during the time surrounding the incident, and lastly why the U.S. failed to accept his suggestions.


George Kerr February 28 Incident Taiwan


Tsou, Tang. America’s Failure in China 1941-1950 (University of Chicago Press, 1963).
Huang, Fusan. “ 葛超智與台灣主體意識的發展” “George Kerr and the Development of Taiwanese Consciousness”. 6th Annual Seminar on the History of the Republic of China. (Guo shi guan, December, 2002).
Su Yaochong ed. al.Correspondence by and about George Kerr I and II, Collected Papers by George Kerr. (Taipei: February 28 Peace Museum, 2000).
---“葛超智先生託管論思想與影響” “George Kerr’s thoughts and Influence of a Taiwanese Trusteeship”. Lishi Dili yu Bianqian, Xuesu yantaohui lunwen ji. ( Jaiyi University: 2004).
Kennan, George F., The Origins of the Containment, 1944-1946, (Missouri: University of Missouri Press: 1997).
