  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on the Innovative Business Model of Pre-Recorded DVD Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李吉仁


台灣的預錄DVD業者憑藉著優越的製造能力,以聚焦碟片製造策略在全球市場中搶下一席之地。然而,單純碟片製造附加價值有限、獲利率本就不高,近一、二年來,業者更面臨嚴重的經營壓力,業績非但無法隨著產業發展同步成長,反而面臨衰退的窘境。究竟這只是景氣循環的一時現象抑或是產業結構已發生重大變遷,產業生態將永久改變的前兆? 本研究運用產業分析、價值網及策略創新的理論邏輯,配合相關研究方法,首先分析預錄型光碟產業的結構,建立產業結構的不利發展因素。其次,討論預錄光碟片所面臨的技術替代環境,如寬頻、數位化科技、次世代更高容量的藍光碟片,是否提供預錄型光碟產業的轉機,最後,本研究提出預錄型光碟產業可行的創新經營模式,以提供業者做為突破目前經營困境的參考! 本研究發現:預錄型光碟廠商所面臨的困境是產業結構使然。透過產業利潤池分析,本研究發現碟片製造部份只占產業整體產值的8.5%左右,毛利率約15~25%,是各價值鏈環節當中的最低點,亟需向上下游拓展以增加價值創造的空間。另外,新科技如寬頻網路下載、次世代光碟在可預見的將來仍無法取代DVD在影視市場上的主流地位。 據此,本研究提出「整合性媒體服務提供者」的商業模式,透過運用IT技術,簡化供應鏈的層級,整合碟片製造廠商與代理商/經銷商的功能於一體,提供客戶一個整合物流、資訊流與金流三流合一的媒體服務平台。這個創新商業模式經以商業模式五大要素的逐一檢驗,確認可透過垂直整合發揮綜效,以及規模經濟降低成本,可有效增加業者之價值創造基礎,同時也有助於鞏固既有的顧客關係,可做為國內業者經營發展之參考。


With superior competencies in mass production of disc replication, Taiwanese replicators have occupied a slice of the whole pie in the world DVD market. However, judging from the degree of value-added along the whole value chain, disc replication shares only a small portion of total industry revenue and the lowest margin among players in other segments. Furthermore, disc replicators had been suffering a decline of both their revenues and market shares during the past years, given the industry still had double digit growth gloablly. It becomes imperative for disc replicators to search for feasible ways of strategic changes in order to revitalize their businesses. Motivated by this strategic challenge, the present thesis attempts to propose an innovated business model that for disc replicators. To achieve this goal, we will first explore the nature of competition and the industry structure of the pre-recorded DVD industry. Next, we will discuss the impact of emerging technologiese that may fundamentally change the industry landscape, such as next generation high definition blue laser disc and broadband digital downloading. By applying profit pool analysis, our research clearly identifies that disc replication is sitting in the valley of the value chain and exhibits lowest profitability. As the industry has gone through its life cycle and has been approaching its mature phase, the industry consolidated and competition intensified. Current strategy based on scale production is no longer viable to sustain growth. We also found that Asia Pacific market is the engine of growth of DVD industry in the next coming few years. Based on such an industry landscape, the study therefore proposed an innovative business model by vertically integrating the functions of replicators, distributors and physical distribution, and foscuing on the Asia Pacific region to provide local adaptation advantages to worldwide content providers. We further articulate and justify such business model from the five aspects of a business model; they are: value proposition, scope of operations, profit capture, strategic control, and exeuction. Implication of this business model and suggestions for future researches are also discussed.


鄭培毓,我國DVD前景探討,PIDA (Photonic Technology & Development Association) ,民國89年。
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