  • 學位論文


The Perception Of Adolescent Clients In The Child Protection System.

指導教授 : 陳毓文


少年保護個案長久以來因自保能力充足而被忽略為低風險的個案。然青少年因自主意識漸趨強烈,故常造成少年需求以及專業處遇之間的落差。本研究欲以少年保護案主之主體經驗出發,以瞭解少年案主對保護體系所提供之處遇模式的看法。研究目的包括:(1)檢視少年保護個案的需求,及保護體系介入後的影響。(2)瞭解少年對現今保護體系服務模式的看法。(3)探討保護體系介入對少年所產生的意義。(4)提供少年保護工作者實務處遇建議。 本文就少年個案的角色立場以瞭解其被服務的經驗,所謂「主體經驗」所隱含的意義即為個案的主觀感受與表達,這個過程無關是非對錯的查證,而著重在於體察案主的需求及感受,因此筆者遂採用質性研究方法以描述少年案主與保護體系間的互動經驗。因此,透過保護體系的協助,共選取8位於近2年內曾接受保護性服務之少年保護個案為對象,以深入訪談方式進行資料蒐集。研究歷程則由民國95年5月20日至95年7月30日止,過程中秉持著案主同意、保密原則、尊重隱私等原則,以維護受訪者權益。 本研究分析歷程共分為四大部分,首先論及少年在保護資源尚未啟動前,面對受虐情勢的因應方式、自保及求助的過程;第二部份乃描繪少年保護個案在接受保護體系服務歷程中的事實性經驗;第三部份,探討少年個案對於保護體系資源運作過程中的主體經驗與感受;最末部份則以少年個案的需求及服務介入後對於個案之影響及改變加以瞭解。 總結研究發現「主觀感受」是一種情緒、事件與經驗堆疊的過程,無論是正向或負向的主觀感受,背後的情境脈絡均與少年需求、服務經歷以及過去生活經驗三面向有關。故筆者著重於論述各個面向間遊移影響的過程,分析重點如下:(1)過去生命經驗所形塑的因應模式及需求:筆者發現其因應暴力事件的模式,就像是一個風險評估的過程,可能因家庭內部的依附關係、以及揭發後對於自身安全感的維護程度,而有兩極的態度轉變。因此可知過去生命經驗形塑了保護性個案特殊、敏感的需求面向,當需求未在當下被滿足,過去生命經驗中的因應模式及防衛機轉隨時啟動以自保,同時也影響了少年被服務的經驗。(2)以少年需求解讀被服務歷程:少年保護個案之需求包含a. 人身安全保護需求:無論是安置或是未安置的少年,對於自我人身安全之保護程度仍有疑慮,而當其人身安全無法周全時,少年則傾向以不參與或是不配合處遇計畫的方式因應b. 情感的需求:無論在初次或是後期處遇中,少年均期待可以被尊重、傾聽與關懷,而在實際感受上,則因不同專業人員以及不同的情境脈絡下,出現正負向意見交雜的現象。c.自主與自決:觀察服務歷程中,少年案主之獨立自主需求乃是不容易被全然實現的,除社會文化之影響仍多以家庭整體為處遇方向之外,專業人員因關心而產生的過度干涉案主決定亦是原因之一。此外,本研究亦發現,少年雖自我表達慾望強烈,卻常以沈默或是尋找傳聲筒的方式表達自我意見。其原因有:無助感、資訊有限、缺乏自我決定經驗以及自尊低落。因此少年多半以較為模糊的方式表達自我意見,造成其意見有不斷變動或被誤解的狀況,並引起處遇過程中的種種不穩定。 此外,大部分的少年表示介入處遇後,其安全感有所提升,且對於專業之信任感亦隨之增加。而更細緻地檢視發現,其實保護體系對於少年的意涵則由一開始的保護角色,隨著家庭關係穩定程度而轉為支持陪伴的角色。 最後本研究於少年保護工作價值觀點面向中,建議實務工作者以尊重其自決的角度增加案主權能並正視少年保護個案特殊性;另就少年保護工作的處遇策略中提出獨立生活處遇之落實、協助家庭面對危機事件、親屬照顧之適切性以及安置環境的改善提出建議。文末附上研究者後記,將研究歷程中的收穫與感動,逐一回顧與反思。


Cases of mistreated adolescents have long been neglected as low risk because of their sufficient ability for self-preservation. However, as adolescents’ sense of autonomy becomes stronger, a gap between their needs and professional treatment often occurs. This study intends to understand what adolescent case subjects’ thoughts are about the treatment provided by the protection system from their perception. The purpose of this study includes: (1) to examine the needs of mistreated adolescents and the impacts after the involvement of the protection system; (2) to understand what adolescents think about the services provided by the current protection system; (3) to discuss the significance of the involvement of the protection system toward adolescents; (4) to provide adolescent protection workers with practical treatment suggestions. This paper tries to understand the experience from the standpoint of adolescent case subject as to how he/she has been served. The so-called “perception” points to the case subject’s subjective feeling and expression. The process has nothing to do with the examination of right or wrong, but rather focuses on observing the case subject’s need and feeling. Therefore, the writer adopts the method of qualitative research to describe the interactive experience between adolescent case subjects and the protection system. Through the assistance of the protection system, this study has chosen eight mistreated adolescents who ever accepted protective services in recent two years for study. Information is gathered through in-depth interviews. Research lasts from May 20, 2006 to July 30, 2006. During the process, this study has gained the permission from the case subjects and has followed the principles of confidentiality and privacy respect to protect the rights of the interviewees. The analytical process of this study is divided into four major parts. Firstly, to discuss adolescents’ coping behavior to the mistreatment, their self-preservation and how they seek help before the protective resources are triggered; secondly, to describe the reality experience of those mistreated adolescents as they receive services from the protective system; the third part is to discuss adolescent case subjects’ perception and feeling during the process of resources operation of the protective system; the last part is to understand adolescent case subjects’ needs and how they have been affected and changed after the involvement of services. In conclusion, this study has found that the “subjective feeling” is an accumulation process of emotion, event and experience. No matter it is a positive or negative subjective feeling, the scenario context on the back is always related to the three dimensions, namely the adolescents’ needs, service experiences and life experiences. Therefore, the writer has focused on discussing the process of influential movements among these three dimensions. The main points are as follows: (1) The coping behavior and need shaped from the past life experiences: The writer has found that the pattern of how they cope with violent events is just like a process of risk assessment. There could be two extreme behavior changes due to their attachment with the family and how well they can maintain the sense of safety after exposing themselves. This has clearly indicated that the past life experiences have shaped up the dimension of special and sensitive needs for protected case subjects. When such needs are not fulfilled, the coping behavior and defense mechanism are immediately triggered to protect themselves. Such situation also affects adolescents’ experience when they receive services. (2) From adolescents’ needs to decrypt the process of their being served: The needs for mistreated adolescents include a. personal safety protection: Adolescents whether being settled or not still have doubt on the level of personal safety protection and when the protection is not perfect enough, they tend to cope by not participating in or cooperating with the treatment. b. emotional support: No matter in the earlier or later treatment, adolescents always expect to be respected, listened and cared. But actually what they have felt may be mixed with positive or negative impressions due to different professional staffs and various scenario contexts. c. autonomy: During our observation of the service process, adolescent case subjects’ needs for autonomy is not likely to be fully realized. It may be caused by the influence of societal culture as most treatments are whole family-based. Another reason may be coming from the professional staffs who overly concern and interfere with the case subjects. Besides, this study has also found that although adolescents have strong will to express themselves, they usually convey their own opinion by silence or through other mouthpieces. The reasons could be their sense of helplessness, limited information, lack of experience of making decision on their own and low self-esteem. Therefore, most commonly, adolescents express their opinion in a vague manner that results in their opinions being changeable or misunderstood and cause all sorts of unsteadiness during the treatment process. In addition, most of the adolescents also indicate that ever since their receiving the treatment, their sense of safety has been raised and they have put more trust on the professionals. With more careful examination, we find that actually the meaning of the protection system to adolescents have changed from a protective role at the beginning to a supporting and accompanying role as soon as their relationship with the family becomes more steady. Finally, from looking into the value of adolescent protection, this study suggests that social workers should empower adolescent clients from the perspective of respecting their autonomy and to look seriously at the special nature of the cases of mistreated adolescents; regarding treatment strategy for adolescent protection work, this study has also proposed to carry out independent living and assist families in facing crisis events, and provided suggestions on the suitability of relative foster family and the improvement of settled environment. The researcher’s afterword is attached at the end of this paper to retrospect those gains and emotions experienced during the research process.


余德慧(1991)折翅的遊戲。收於余德慧、林麗雲(合著)中國人的愛與苦 : 犧牲與求全(頁4-13)。台北:張老師文化事業股份有限公司。


