  • 學位論文


Review and Preview of Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflict of Interest

指導教授 : 黃錦堂


聯合國大會於2003 年10 月31 日投票通過《聯合國反腐敗公約》(United Nations Convention Against Corruption, UNCAC),並於2005 年12 月14 日正式生效。《聯合國反腐敗公約》第6 條及第36 條強調各締約國應當根據本國法律制度之基本原則,確保設有一個或酌情設有多個機構預防腐敗,並負責執法打擊腐敗之獨立性機構,我國雖非聯合國反腐敗公約簽署國,但作為國際社會之ㄧ員,亦有義務落實該公約之精神。 貪污是影響國家政治安定、社會進步及經濟繁榮的最大障礙。貪污者利用人民所賦予的權力,牟取私人不法利益,進而損害公共利益,破壞人民對政府的信賴,貪腐行為已是世界各國永續發展之現象。貪腐成因及結構性因素甚為複雜,導致貪腐之定義並無一致共識,惟貪腐行為確實反映出政府治理失靈。由於政府掌握龐大政治、經濟資源,並同時擔任資源權威性重分配角色,為防止政府濫用其重分配之權利將公有資源變成私人所有財產,除了內在制約倫理化規範外,外在正式監督機制亦被同時被要求。 利益衝突係指公共服務者的私人利益與公共責任之間的衝突,而該私人利益可能影響公共服務者對於公共義務與責任的具體表現,將利益衝突迴避精神及價值法制化乃屬執政機關廉政治理工程之必要途徑。有鑑於此,公職人員利益衝突迴避法於民國89年7月12日經總統 (89) 華總一義字第8900170290號令公布施行。立法目的係促進廉能政治,端正政治風氣,有效遏阻貪污腐化暨不當利益輸送,與公職人員財產申報法、行政程序法、立法委員行為法、政治獻金法、政府資訊公開法及遊說法等,均為健全陽光法案體系之一環。是以本文以探討公職人員利益衝突迴避法之法規內容及該法於廉政治理領域之功效,並期以外國之立法例作為我國法規修正之借鏡。


On October 31,2003,the United Nations adopted the United Nations Convention Against Corruption,which took effect on Decemser14,2005. There are 165 State Parties so far.The legal anti-corruption framework that is has established has been widely received among the intrenaional community.Taiwan is not a member of the United Nations.However,to show our determination anti-corruption trend and regulations,Taiwan has established regulations,which will promote the domesticalization of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption The Guidelines define conflict of interest as: “a conflict between the public duties and private interests of a public official, in which the public official has private-capacity interests which could improperly influence the performance of their official duties and responsibilities Diversity,constitutionality and integrity are the core values of democracy in Taiwan. Government integrity is vital to the nation’s competitiveness and foundation upon which the people’s trust are based. In reference to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption,the gocernment continues to implement and establish complete anti-corruption regulations to promote administrative transparency and prevent conflicts of interests so that transparent accountability can be created for civil servants, thus reducing corruption,securing pepole’s trust in the government,improving national competitiveness and increasing the welfare and happiness of the pepple


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