  • 學位論文


The Study of Strategies of Performance Management in the Public Sector

指導教授 : 黃錦堂


我國公部門為提高行政效率及效能、公務人力素質,並提升國家競爭力,績效管理策略之良窳受到重視及關懷。本文主要探討公部門人力資源的績效管理策略,以釋放文官的潛能及績效,建構一套具體有效績效管理的良善治理機制。本文從公務人力資源管理與績效管理較為相關之議題探討,首先,就績效管理與功績原則之間的相互影響及連結作論述,其次,就重要人事行政議題的三大面向-考績評核、陞遷調任及待遇俸給探討,並進一步就各該面向之制度內涵、產生問題、策略方案、法制改革等四個微觀視角,論述其制度發展、策略法制及比較英美文官制度與績效管理之觀察。 本文檢視績效管理面臨的問題,經由主管機關提出改進措施,並運用績效管理策略分析面向探討。本研究發現,包括:為達到公部門共同目標或任務,提出策略目標及運用績效衡量評估工具,以改善組織績效及績效資訊之利用,並提升績效課責;美國績效管理經驗,有績效管理法制,單一入口網站,以及強化首長的參與;英國績效管理經驗,改善公共服務方式,建立快速陞遷制度,以及績效待遇發展政策;因應政經變遷的績效管理,建立施政計畫與管理,應強化公共課責機制,以及建立公共治理信任文化;運用績效管理的策略,實施團體績效評比機制,以及考績評估法制之結合;應建立獨立快速陞遷機制,訂定快速陞遷的方案,以及績效導向的陞遷機制;並建構公共服務激勵與誘因機制,建立公正客觀的績效管理,以及策略性管理待遇俸給法制等見解。 最後,本研究建議,包括:儘速研議績效管理法制,型塑公共治理的功績原則,強化績效導向的考績評核,建立彈性靈活快速陞遷,建構績效待遇俸給機制,提升激勵誘因治理機制,強化公共課責配套機制,建立快速陞遷配套方案,運用公開透明績效報告,以及建構團體績效評比機制等具體興革建議。


In order to achieve the goals of enhancing the public sector’s administrative efficiency and effectiveness, promoting the quality of public servants, and improving the national competitiveness, the Republic of China (R.O.C.) has emphasized the importance of performance management. This dissertation discusses how to lay out the strategies of human resource performance management, and how to build an effective mechanism of performance management - which can help enhance the performance of public servants. First, this dissertation discusses interrelation of performance management and merit system principles. Second, it examines the three dimensions of personnel administration: performance appraisal, promotion transfer, and compensation system. Third, this dissertation delves into the systems, problems, strategies, and regulation reforms in the aforementioned dimensions. Meanwhile, it compares the civil service systems and performance management between the United States and the United Kingdom. This dissertation finds the following: performance management with evaluation tools is a systemic and steering process that help the public sector accomplish core missions, such as improving organizational performance, and promoting performance accountability. In the United States, there are effective performance management act, one-stop entrance website, and the active participation of the chief officers and supervisors. Regarding the United Kingdom, it has established improved mechanism of public service by building civil service fast stream recruitment, and developing the performance-based payment system. Further, due to political and economic changes in the civil service system, it’s needed to establish policy plans and management system, to improve accountability mechanism, and to enhance trust culture of public governance. It is also important to utilize strategies of performance management, team performance evaluation mechanism, and the integration of performance appraisal. Regarding the civil servant promotion system, it is essential to build civil service fast stream recruitment, to utilize strategic promotion management, and to focus on performance-oriented promotion mechanism. As for the compensation and payment system, it should be able to provide public service motivation and incentive mechanism, establish objective performance management, and strategic payment management legal system. This dissertation provides several policy recommendations. First, it is vital to study regulation of performance management, and to establish public governance merit system principles. Second, the government needs to emphasize performance-oriented performance appraisal, to build flexible and fast promotion system, and to establish performance-oriented payment mechanism that could promote motivation and incentive mechanism. Finally, the current administration must strengthen public accountability mechanism, build fast stream recruitment program, utilize open and transparent performance reports, and establish team performance evaluation mechanism.


