  • 學位論文

自己的商展自己辦 - 台中自行車週籌辦的探討

We hold our own trade show: The study of Taichung Bike Week

指導教授 : 陳良治


本研究將背景架構在當前全球商展的發展,以及台灣國際商展之籌辦侷限下,探討台中自行車週 ( TBW ) 之發展過程及影響因素。除了回顧既有文獻外,本文透過參與式觀察、二手文本與深入訪談資料之交互比對來探究TBW 之籌辦動態,進而分析影響其籌辦動態之主要成因。 本研究發現,TBW 的最大特色的是其不像台灣的國際商展多由政府或產業 協會所主辦,其展覽場所也非在一般較常見的會展中心,而是由本地廠商自發性地經由共同行動選擇在飯店中針對國外客戶進行商品展覽與業務洽談。本研究更指出,適切的舉辦時間、明確的定位、企業家勇於創新的精神、政府的支持以及適宜的展出區位與空間,是使得TBW 得以發展並快速成長的主要因素。具體來說,由於為配合全球自行車產品之展覽週期,國外自行車廠商多希望能提前與台灣的自行車零組件供應商討論產品及技術規格,在每年十月左右舉辦的TBW 即成雙方最佳的互動場合,並進而讓此活動在籌辦之後得以逐步成長。在籌辦過程中,國內自行車零組件廠商、飯店業者、相關媒體及地方政府等各行動者間的緊密協調,更讓TBW 呈現有機性發展形態。另外,TBW 因位處於台灣中部的自行車產業群聚,而使參與之廠商能獲取商談規格的效率,以及飯店場地所能提供的貼心服務、效率、適合洽商的氛圍、符合廠商所需求的隱私感以及彈性展出等空間特性,均是影響TBW 展出與籌辦動態的關鍵。


In this study, we examine the development of Taichung Bicycle Week (TBW)and key factors influencing the development processes and dynamics of this event. According to the findings, we point out that appropriate timing, clear positioning, the entrepreneurial spirit of Taiwanese bicycle firms, government support, and the uique exhibition location and space are main factors contributing to the emergence and fast growth of TBW. More specifically, due to the the fact that global bicycle firms would like to advance the timing to discuss the specifications of their upcoming products with Taiwanese suppliers, TBW, a event often held around October every year, therefore has become the best venue allowing such discussions to take place. Moreover, the intensive coordination among Taiwanese biycle component suppliers, hotels, local media and local government also makes possible TBW’s organic development patterns. The geographic proximity of TBW to Taiwan’s bicycle cluster has allowed participants of this event to acquire better negotiation efficiency. Besides, the characteristics of hotel venues in terms of the provisions of intimate services, suitable negotiation atmosphere, privacy as well as flexible spaces are also the keys that influence the dynamisms of TBW.


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