  • 學位論文


People Who Challenge the Depopulation Trend

指導教授 : 王泰俐 卓亞雄


台灣的生育率連年突破新低,步入少子女化時代。這一代人普遍傾向晚婚、晚生,甚至是不婚、不生。政府及媒體都意識到少子女化問題,並認為是不能忽視的社會問題。 然而,大部分的政府研究和媒體報導,多半傾向負面陳述,只凸顯不生或少生的一群人帶來的問題,忽略了選擇生育的另一群人。本文希望打破這樣的框架,以決定生育的一群為出發點,帶出生兒育女的積極態度。 探究少子女化的原因,最常見的不外乎結婚率下降、女性地位提升、經濟不景氣等說法。不過,即使身處少生潮流,台灣每年至少仍有15萬個嬰兒出生,這表示「逆勢而行」的案例存在。 台灣是重視家庭觀念的社會,本文蒐集一些較特別的另類家庭,從他們的共通點,帶出社會意義,並指出個案間的獨特之處,透過受訪者富有故事性的生育經驗,刻畫一個特別而立體的生育生態。 幾個個案中包括多生的、未婚生育的、同性戀爸爸,以及經歷天災的特殊案例,不論以鼓勵生育為目標還是研究生育態度,他們的經歷都具有參考價值和時代意義。因為,他們都是逆勢挑戰少子女化的人。 關鍵字:少子女化、生育態度、多生、未婚生育、同志家庭、另類家庭


In the trend of depopulation, Taiwan’s total fertility rate reached a record low in recent years. This generation of young people tends to get married and give birth at a more mature age. Some of them even decide not to get married nor give birth. The government and media have realized that the depopulation has become a social problem which cannot be ignored. However, most of the government researches and media reports about depopulation were negatively commented and focused merely on the reasons and influences in general. They emphasized the outcome of depopulation, but failed to have thought for the people who decided to give birth. This paper is a modest attempt to stand for the people who were ignored by the reports, particularly for those who have a positive attitude to have children. The declining marriage rates, the rising status of women, and the economy recession were the significant causes of depopulation. Yet, the number of Taiwan’s newborn babies in the past 10 years was at least 150,000 per year. This statistics show that some people have been trying to challenge the depopulation trend. Since Taiwan is well-known for its Chinese traditional domesticity values, this paper targets on some of the untypical families, trying to find out what they are in common, as well as their social significance. Moreover, their distinctive and practical experiences are of great importance for studying depopulation in a different way. The untypical cases include a family with three kids, a single mother, a gay father, and the baby boom after the natural disaster. Their stories are very valuable and useful as references for encouraging fertility or for studying the attitudes towards fertility. It is because they are the people who challenge the depopulation trend. Keyword: Depopulation trend, attitude of fertility, family with three kids, single mother, gay father, untypical families



