  • 學位論文

異質空間聽眾與樂團的社會實踐:以Live House「地下社會」為例

The Social Praxis of Audience Participants and Bands in Heterotopias: A Case Study of Taipei’s Live House 「Underworld」

指導教授 : 李碧涵


本文旨在透過對台北重要Live House「地下社會」的歷史以及樂團、聽眾參與實像之紀錄、整理和耙梳,將地下社會與反抗音樂之意義浮現出來,並往前串聯台灣自1970年代民歌運動以來的通俗音樂與社會反抗之間歷史脈絡和演變,以此理解反抗音樂的演變之中,Live House空間如地下社會曾扮演著如何必不可少的角色。透過資料耙梳和概念建構,我們得以理解地下社會在其創立時期由於處於獨特台灣歷史政經和全球化及新自由主義洪流之下,使的地下社會既繼承了後戒嚴時期對於轉型正義和政治正義的知青和運動青年理念,保有了音樂與社會意識的強烈連帶感,另一方面卻又因為其開始於網絡世代方興未艾、且個人化、單子化的美學與文化政治開始成為文化反抗重要主題的20世紀末,讓地下社會在21世紀開始後與新生樂團和新的音樂美學想像產生了更多激盪,成為孕育音樂及獨立、反抗精神的重要空間,但也可能便是對美學的不同需求,也顯示出地下社會落幕的背後隱性文化因素。地下社會在台灣反抗音樂的歷史脈絡中,是一生動且寫實的孕生、茁壯、落幕音樂史,而這歷史後面意涵的不僅是政府法規的不合時宜、亦是從科技技術到美學、群聚喜好等社會方面的全方位面向“資源與限制”。 本文主要透過二手文獻分析、訪談和理論對話,企圖建構以地下社會為中軸於其之前以及向後的音樂反抗光譜,甚而成為一個涵跨社會政治經濟脈絡的星象圖(constellation)。由於「Live House」一詞為日式英語,這意味著台灣借用Live House統籌稱謂也受到日本西洋音樂文化發展脈絡之影響,為求全面理解音樂中之反抗因子之淵源脈絡,我們勢得從歐美以致日本的歷史和狀態開始整理,進而反觀台灣音樂反抗樣貌並將之立體化、客觀化,理解台灣每一代的反抗音樂之能為與不可為。在這基礎之下,本文主題之地下社會的我群意義及對社會反抗意識的重要性,便可以清楚地在社會脈絡下窺視其定位;然而本文不受限於定位地下社會,我們意欲將地下社會的經驗、其作為一個空間和社群文化交構之下產生出集體反身性的獨特價值,歸結、整理並概念化為可供未來反抗群體及其空間成為重要參考價值和經驗。因此透過對地下社會的理解,加以提供未來可能的反抗空間重要啟發,是本文之期許。


The Taipei live house Underworld(1996~2013)was very important in Taiwan rock music scenes from it started, and it has became so important as even like the CBGB of Taiwan, and many important Taiwan rock bands had their beginning at Underworld. But unfortunately, Underworld closed at 2013/06/15. This thesis aims to place Underworld in the context of Taiwan resistant music history, and want to figure out how Underworld contributes to the music and social awareness after the lifting of Martial Law. The owner of the Underworld had strong awareness of transitional justice; while after year 2000, cultural resistance become more and more important when we talk about resistance and protest. Generally speaking, Underworld gather people who love rock music and in the process of sharing the experience of watching rock performance, people will change their mind, open their mind when they experience music genre that they didn’t hear before, and we suppose this kind of experience is very important for emerging power of resistance. The experience of Underworld has much importance for the succeeded owners in eperating their shops which we regard as places gathering people who care about their culture and society, like those existed cafe shops that hold forums with titles like transitional justice. This thesis aims for not only revealing the meaning of Underworld in Taiwan rock music history, but the more core purpose is to give some advices for the upcoming resistant spaces.


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