  • 學位論文


Business Model Analysis of Web2.0 Website:Case study of Atlaspost.com

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


自網路泡沫以來,網際網路時代開始了一個嶄新的時代。Web2.0概念被提出後,新的技術與互動模式以飛快的速度不斷產生,也讓網路產業恢復欣欣向榮的光景。 2004年Web2.0開始在歐美風行數年之後,網路創新的潮流也吹到了亞洲地區,台灣開始在政府的支持下,發展屬於自己的Web2.0應用網站與模式。本研究即以地圖日記網站為例,探討地圖日記的經營模式,並與現今發展較為成熟的社群網站-Facebook與無名小站進行比較分析,以瞭解其經營模式與網站的差異之處。同時本研究也針對目前地圖日記的發展現狀,給予實質的建議與分析,俾利未來公司營運方向與未來訂定策略之有效參考。 本研究發現地圖日記在目前的營運狀況,面對收費機制實施後與海外擴展策略內容下,給予以下的建議: 一、集中目前資源,專注台灣市場 二、滿足VIP會員與一般會員的需求 三、提高網站流量與會員規模 本研究認為地圖日記首要策略為深耕台灣市場,並且不斷開發新功能來滿足會員需求,同時持續提高網站流量與會員規模,逐漸往大型社群網站邁進。 而本研究發現透過對研究個案的個別分析與比較後,針對其社群網站的經營分析結論如下:價值定位為社群網站的核心所在、社群網站經營須考量文化差異、豐富使用者體驗以提升使用者參與度、確定有效的獲利模式為最重要課題。


The new generation of Internet begins after the internet bubbles. Since the idea of Web2.0 was created, new technologies and models have been invented and the internet industry is flourishing. This research is to analyze the atlaspot.com website’s business model and to compare it with the famous social network sites: Facebook and wretch.cc, so as to realize the differences of their business model and websites. Furthermore, this research also gave practical suggestions and analysis to atlaspost.com according to their current development stage, in addition to the effective reference for the future direction and strategies of atlaspost.com. According to the current operating situation of atlaspost.com, which is about to carry out the VIP system and oversea strategy, this research gave the following suggestions: 1. Concentrate current resources, and focus on Taiwan market 2. Meet the VIP and normal members’ needs 3. Improve website traffic and membership size This research indicated that atlaspost.com has to focus on Taiwan market first, and continue developing new functions to meet members’ needs, and to increase website traffic and membership size, moving toward a large community site. Through the case studies and analysis, the suggestions of community site’s business model made by this research are as below:value proposition is the core value of social network sites; social network sites have to consider the culture difference; websites could enrich user’s experiences to enhance their involvement. And to determine effective business model is the most important issue.


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