  • 學位論文


A New Way Of Thinking: Meditative Thinking in Later Heidegger

指導教授 : 陳榮華


摘要 本文指出,對存有的思考是哲學思考的核心,在此前提下,本文探討海德格如何反省存有以及思考存有的方式,並從他對這兩方面的反省指出其沉思之路。 首先從存有這方面來說,本文指出,對海德格而言存有是呈現出來,而不是任何獨立自存的存在,且存有的呈現是呈現出事物,因此存有呈現為和事物彼此的隸屬。由於在此隸屬中才有開放出來成為存在的事物,因此存有發生為帶來呈現的解蔽。 由於在存有解蔽的發生中才有事物的呈現,因此存有的本性就是原初的語言。存有做為原初的語言,同時說出存有和事物的隸屬以及存有和思考的隸屬,因為語言的說出需要在思考的領悟中展現出來。從存有和思考的隸屬,海德格為我們指出了思考的根源以及思考和存有原初的關係。 其次從思考這方面來說,既然思考隸屬於存有,那麼思考原初的性格不是以自身為基礎把握事物的概念,而是聆聽存有的訴說。由於本真的思考是接受存有的給出,因此其領悟是新的、超乎尋常的,並且此新的領悟不是把握任何對象,而是置身於思考和事物及事物存有彼此隸屬的整體之中。 最後本文指出,既然存有的給出是使一切得以呈現的隸屬,並且本真的思考是領悟一切在隸屬中同一的整體,那麼本真的思考,即沉思,始終堅持在它和存有原初的關係中。沉思在這樣的堅持中展現了存有的給出,包括事物的呈現和思考的呈現,這樣,在沉思中我們領悟了一切的存有。海德格的沉思之路不僅帶我們重新反省存有及思考的本性,同時也真正讓我們領悟了哲學思考的核心 ─ 存有。 關鍵詞:存有、隸屬、超乎尋常的、沉思。


存有 隸屬 超乎尋常的 沉思。


Abstract The inquiry of Being is always at the core of philosophy. In this thesis I want to show Heidegger’s meditative thinking of Being in terms of an analysis on his reflection of Being and the thinking of Being. First, this thesis shows that for Heidegger the meaning of Being is un-concealment, and since the un-concealing of Being itself is also the revealing of entities, therefore they belong together. In this belonging-togetherness, Being brings about the appearance of entities, i.e., Being makes the presence of entities. In the making presence of entities, Being for Heidegger is the primordial language. In the speaking of the primordial language of Being Heidegger discovered the primordial belongingness of Being and entities and also the belongingness of Being and thinking. Being cannot reveal itself as Being without the thinking of human beings. Heidegger announces that the primordial belongingness of Being and thinking is the foundation of thinking. Since thinking occurs in its belongingness to Being, the authentic character of thinking cannot be regarded as the representative ability of man, but as his acceptance of the claim of Being. Besides, since thinking occurs essentially as the acceptance of Being—the acceptance of the gift from Being, that which thinking accepts is always the unusual, the extraordinary. Furthermore, the gift that thinking accepts is not some specific object but the world that opened up by Being. Being, things, and thinking all belong altogether and they form a unitary whole. Finally, since Being gives a whole and holds things and thinking together, and thinking is a kind of listening, a listening to the primordial language of Being, then thinking always remains in its original relation with Being. Thinking is the realm through which we can discern the revealing of Being. Therefore, this thesis comes to the conclusion that Heidegger’s concept of thinking is not only the way that leads us to the essence of Being and of thinking, but also lead us to discern the core of philosophy, that is to say, Being. Key words: Being, belonging-together, the unusual, meditative thinking.


Fay, Thomas A. Heidegger : the Critique of Logic. The Hague : Nijhoff, 1977.
Haar, Michel. Heidegger and the Essence of Man. Tr. William McNeill. Albany : State University of New York Press, 1993.
---Was Heisst Denken? Tubingen : M. Niemeyer, 1961.
