  • 學位論文


On Quantitative Estimation and Modelling of Sediment Yield due to Gully Erosion

指導教授 : 李鴻源


台灣山區因岩層破碎、山坡地不斷開發、降雨期分配不均以及暴雨期易產生短時而且大量集中的逕流,造成水庫上游集水區土體崩塌、蝕溝沖蝕與河岸沖刷等災害,並且產生大量的泥砂造成水庫游積和水質降低,嚴重影響水庫的正常操作。 本研究建置一個具有模擬水文、水理及蝕溝沖蝕產砂量推估的「蝕溝沖蝕預測模式」,利用全站式經緯儀於白石溪集水區進行蝕溝地形現地測量,並採用孫維廷(2001)所發展的「地貌型降雨逕流模式」,同時引用Sidorchuk(1999)提出的計算蝕溝產砂量和高程變遷的「蝕溝沖蝕模式」,以及計算蝕溝體內水流狀況的「水理模式」,建置一個「蝕溝沖蝕預測模式」計算白石集水區內蝕溝年總產砂量。 另外本研究模擬艾利颱風到2007年6月間共10場的降雨颱風事件,並以二次多項式迴歸集水區內的日平均降雨量與蝕溝泥砂產量的關係式,可簡單預測集水區內降雨颱風事件來自蝕溝沖蝕的泥砂產量。


Owing to the broken rock stratum in the mountain areas of Taiwan, the continuous development of hillside, unevent distribution of the rainfall and the large amount of concentrated flow produced by the torrential rain in short-term, that cause the collapse of soil mass and the erosion from river bank and gullying. Sediment yield from the calamities above leads to the deposition of sediment in the reservoirs and the reduction of the quality of water and influences the normal operation of the reservoirs. This study aims to establish a “Gully Erosion Prediction Model” based on the on-site measured data of three gullys in Baishi River Catchment in Taiwan. This model is consisted of three sub-models named “Hydrology model”, “Hydraulic model” and “Gully Erosion Moded”. Estimations of the total sediment yield due to gully erosin and elevation simulations of gully bed in the watershed are performed by this model. Ten scenerio events are performed in this study and the result of regression between the average rainfall intensity per day and the total sediment yield from gully in Baishi River Watershed can be represented by a regression equation which can be easily used for the estimation of the total sediment yield from gully and it is suitable for the range of 58 ~ 500 mm of the average rainfall.


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