  • 學位論文


The Memory Business Strategy Risk Analysis and Study for Foundry Companies

指導教授 : 葉疏


風險管理是企業內管理團隊最為重要的責任之一,作好風險管理能減少企業獲利的變動性,除此之外有效的風險管理也可以幫助企業去達成事業的目標,以極大化投資人的利益。減少損失、不確定性管理、績效強化是企業在管理和控制上的三種風險管理主要的應用。 管理及策略決策是企業的內部流程,一般投資大眾並無法實際參與這些相關活動,企業面臨的產業存在何種風險,對未來會造成怎樣的衝擊亦難以判斷,除了仰賴企業管理者的睿智,更需要外部專家的監督和協助。企業風險基礎審計方法可以以企業的整個營運範疇從產業環境、企業頂層的策略到執行層面的各項作業流程進行全面性的了解,將受委託的企業的營運過程,內部控制程度作企業風險評估,此種包含產業環境、企業策略及作業流程的審計方式,將有助於企業的內部控制以及防範企業可能的商業風險而導致財務危機和營運困境。 本研究將應用風險基礎審計方法,針對晶圓代工廠商對記憶體事業策略風險進行分析與探討,從最近半導體產業結構的改變,到各晶圓代工業者強烈意願進入記憶體事業,其後的背景和動機,以及IDM記憶體廠商和晶圓代工廠商間的風險予以研究。結論如下: 一、促成代工廠商和IDM廠商合作進行記憶體的因素 1.外在因素 1.1. 高昂的12吋建廠費用所形成的進入障礙 1.2. 因成本效益的委外代工產業趨勢 1.3. 記憶體走向寡占競爭使得技術種類收斂 2.內在因素 2.1. 晶圓代工廠商有營業成長需求 2.2. 高階客戶減少 2.3. 技術的需求 二、晶圓代工廠商可能採取的策略方式,由產業過去到現在的發展 的一些案例分析以及代工的特性,晶圓代工廠商對記憶體事業 的模式有可能為以下幾種方式:產能填充,技術移轉量產練 兵,合資建廠,專工打造,以及記憶體共用平台 三、對IDM廠商和晶圓代工廠商的策略風險 對IDM廠商和晶圓代工廠商會面臨到以下風險:相關產業風險、 情報風險、人才風險、技術風險、資金風險、附加價值風險、 競合規則風險。 四、企業策略風險的審計 針對IDM廠商和晶圓代工廠商面臨的風險如相關產業風險、情報 風險、人才風險、技術風險、資金風險、附加價值風險、競合 規則風險等找出可行方案,加強與企業管理當局及內部稽核之 溝通,並評估內部稽核及內部控制功能之發揮。 五、審計要對企業增加價值,需要仰賴審計方式的改進,從企業 的外在因素,企業所處的產業環境進行分析,並對企業的市場 進行了解,對內則對策略的管理程序、企業資源管控、以及各 項主要流程進行核心能力的審計,並從策略聯盟對企業的影 響、主要產出的產品和服務、和終端的客戶,進行通盤的查核 和檢視,才能提高審計的品質,為企業針測出策略風險的先期 指標,協助企業防範風險,減少損失增加獲利。


Managing risks of a business enterprise is one of the most important responsibilities to its management, besides, it could help enterprise to reach its business goal, and then maximize the return for its shareholders. Reducing business loss, managing uncertainty, and business performance enhancement are the three major risk management applications for enterprise in management and business control. In general, management and strategy decision is a internal process flow in an enterprise, there is few chance and opportunity to participate the activities for shareholders outside the company. How many risk the enterprise is encountering ? and what is the impact by the risk for the enterprise in the future ? Except merely rely on the wiseness of management team, it needs external expert to monitor, audit, and then provides help from different angle point of view. Enterprise risk-base auditing covers the scope from the industry environment , the strategy making and decision of top management, and detailed operations of the process flow in the enterprise to proceed the risk evaluation on theenterprise operations and internal control. This kind of auditing could help enterprise for having effectively internal control and to prevent the possible business risks, which may result in financial risk or get business into trouble. By employing the methodology of risk-base auditing, this study investigates the strategy risks for wafer foundry companies deciding to go memory business. It includes the environment re-structure of the industry, the background and motivation of the decision for foundry companies, and the possible risks between IDM companies and Foundry companies. Below is summary for the study, 1. The factors to trigger the collaboration between IDM and Foundry company External factors includes a. High entry barrier to setup 12 inches wafer Fab, b. Industry trend for cost reduction by outsourcing, c. Less memory technologies due to monopoly competition in marketing. Internal factors includes a. Business or revenue growth, b.Less customer for high end customer, c.The need of technology 2. The possible ways for foundry companies to implement the strategy of memory business, a. As a capacity filler, b. Technology transfer and fab learning vehicle, c. Setup company/Faboratory by join-venture, d. Tailor-made for specific customer, e. Common platform for memory technology for all customers. 3. The strategy risks for IDM and foundry companies There are risks existing for IDM and Foundry companies, relevant industryrisk,information risk, people/talent risk, technology risk, capital risk, adding value risk, and competition/collaboration risk. 4. Auditing of enterprise strategy risk The related risks stated in items 3 are focused and suggestions and solutions for the risks are pointed out to reduce or minimize the impact. 5. To increase the adding value and quality of auditing for enterprise, it could be improved by the ways of risk-base auditing from a wide range review including a. External factors: industry environment , market of the enterprise, the relationship with alliance company. b. Internal factors:the strategy management procedure, enterprise resources control, and core competency of key process flows. c.Main output and constrain: the major products or services, end customers. After that, auditing personnel could help enterprise to setup some index for pre-warning to help enterprise to prevent from risks, reduce loss, and then increase enterprise business performance and profit.


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