  • 學位論文

溪流環境議題導入石門水庫集水區國民小學 教師意願調查之研究

The study of survey on teacher’s intention for stream environmental issue inducing elementary school in Shihmen Reservoir Watershed

指導教授 : 李英周


環境教育為環境保育的第一線工作,而石門水庫為北部主要供水水庫之一,集水區的自然環境優劣對水庫水質有極大的影響力,非常適合將溪流環境教育融入學校的課程當中。台灣大學承接經濟部水利署北區水資源局「民國98-99年石門水庫集水區水域指標生物習性調查及棲地環境營造計畫」,舉辦多次溪流生態保育工作坊輔導在地社區及學校進行溪流環境的監測。本研究試圖藉由生態保育工作坊,了解國小教師對溪流環境教育融入學校課程的認知及教學意願。期能提供研擬溪流生態教育融入環境教育議題教學之發展與對策,並做為日後推動溪流生態環境教育之參考。 本研究分別以藉由溪流生態工作坊調查教師教學意願,和溪流環境教學是否適合集水區國民小學的兩次問卷進行調查。在教學意願的部份,於2009年7月至10月,針對有參加學術單位舉辦之溪流生態工作坊的教師,比較在進修前後,教學意願有無增加,問卷分成帶入課程、學生參與、野外觀察能力培養及提升學習意願等4構面,共13題,採李克特氏5點量表,以成對t檢定工作坊前後是否有差異及以one-way ANOVA瞭解教師個人背景與教學意願有無差異;是否適合融入學校教學課程於2010年3月至8月,調查當地老師對於溪流環境教育融入學校課程的看法,此問卷分成溪流環境教育是否符合九年一貫議題中環境教育議題的目標、溪流環境教育是否符合學校本位課程及可能遭遇的問題等3構面,共19題,其中兩題為複選題,其餘各題採李克特氏5點量表,並以ANOVA檢定教師個人背景對溪流環境教育融入學校課程的看法有無差異。 藉由溪流生態工作坊調查教師教學意願的部份結果如下,回收12份問卷。各構面前測平均值為3.78-4.08,後測3.72-3.92,但後測平均值略低於前測(p>0.05)。排除三光工作坊因學生在活動中呈現高度活潑好動,影響該校教師對戶外課程的疑慮後,再將百吉、霞雲兩校作比較。顯示各項構面均無差異(p>0.05),反應出該地教師有意願將溪流生態保育課程納入學校課程。是否適合融入學校教學課程結果如下,回收76份問卷,各構面平均值介於3.79-4.21,顯示當地教師普遍認同將溪流環境教育適合納入學校環境課程。在個人背景資料部份「教師個人溪流生態教學」中,構面2及構面3達到顯著差異(p<0.05),顯示有舉辦過個人溪流教學的教師會認同溪流環境教育融入本位課程中以及鼓勵家長和學生的學習。影響推動國小溪流環境教育的原因以教師的溪流知識素養不足最多。 顯示石門水庫集水區教師對於是否適合融入溪流環境教學的態度是認同的,往後推動溪流環境教育時,學術研究單位可以提供相關的溪流知識,而政府教育部門提供研習或是種子教師的訓練培養,讓溪流環境教育確實融入至學校課程。


The environmental education is the forefront of the environmental conservation, the Shih-Men reservoir, one of the main water supply reservoirs in north Taiwan, the natural environment shows the extremely importance for the Shih-Men reservoir. it’s suitable for course of integrate the stream environmental education into school. National Taiwan University executed “The project of investigating the indicator organisms’ habits and rebuilding habitat environment in Shihmen Reservoir watershed (2/2)” by Northern Region Water Resources Office. Water Resources Agency Ministry of Economic Affairs since 2009, this project used ecological monitor and evaluation for indicator organisms, habitat rebuilding, and created local conservation workshops to approach ecological investigation deeply. Therefore, the attempt on this research is to understand the teachers’ teaching willing and opinion if integrating the stream environmental education into the school course. This research which by the questionnaire. The purpose of incorporate teaching course of the school is to investigate the teachers’ intention about integrates the stream environmental education into the school course, using questionnaire survey from March to August 2010. The questionnaire is divided 3 indexes: whether stream environmental education conform to target of Environmental education from Grade 1-9 Curriculum and School-based Curriculum, and the problems it will probably meet, amounts to 19 questions, 2 of questions are multiple response questions and others are measured items on 5-point Likert-type scales. The hypothesis of teacher's personal background relating to the stream environmental education into the school course were tested by ANOVA (p=0.05). Two questionnaires of this research are to investigate teacher's teaching will with the stream ecological workshop, and suitable for national primary school of the Shih-Men reservoir’s with the environmental teaching of stream. The result is as following. 12 questionnaires were retrieved, the mean value of pre-workshop in each index is 3.78-4.08, and post-workshop is 3.72-3.92. It shows that local teachers generally agree on integrating stream ecology conservation course into school environmental course, but the average of post-workshop is slightly lower than pre-workshop(p>0.05). Excluding the concern in san-guang workshop─because students’ highly vigorous and active in the activity has affected school teacher’s worry in outdoor courses─and then comparing the other two schools. It shows that there is still no significant difference in each index (p>0.05), but among these 4 indexes, there are 3 of its average in post-workshop is higher than pre-workshop. It indicates that local teachers are willing to integrate the Stream Ecology conservation course into school course. The result of incorporate teaching course of the school is to investigate the teachers’ intention is as following. 76 questionnaires were retrieved, the mean value of 3 indexes is 3.79-4.21, it shows that local teachers generally agree on integrating stream environmental education into the school course. In teacher's personal background, there is significant difference in the index 2 and index 3 of teacher’s personal stream ecological teaching (p<0.05), it show that teachers who have personal stream ecological teaching agree on integrating stream environmental education into the School-based Curriculum and encourage parents and study of student. The most influence factor of implement stream environmental education is the lack of environmental knowledge of stream. It indicates that local teachers are willing to integrate the stream environmental education into school course, when promoting the stream environmental education in the future, the scholarly research unit may provide the related stream knowledge, and the government educational department may provide the teacher's training raise.




