  • 學位論文


Behaviors Study of Firms Participating in the Competition of Construction Fence Greening and Beautification in Taipei

指導教授 : 林建元


以綠美化的方式改善城市景觀,一直是所有人民共同的期待。台北市政府乃利用2010年舉辦台北國際花卉博覽會的機會,從2009年開始推動台北好好看系列計畫來改造城市景觀,其中一項內容就是強制規定台北市的建築工地圍籬實施綠美化,並修改相關法規將政策法制化,更以舉辦評選競賽作為獎勵機制。法令強制規定的方式,確保了工地綠圍籬量的產出,讓整個城市的圍籬綠美化數量達到一定規模,然而足夠的「量」,卻不能保證有好的「質」;因此,運用評選競賽作為獎勵機制,可以激勵私部門的廠商將工地圍籬綠美化做得更好、品質更高,進一步發揮更大的城市景觀效果。如何改進此一競賽機制以產生更佳效果,即為本研究之動機。 目前得獎的圍籬作品幾乎全是成本遠高於一般綠化的圍籬精緻型綠化圍籬。然而,吸引廠商投資高成本做精緻型綠化圍籬的獎勵機制─工地圍籬綠美化評選競賽,其獎品只有頒發獎狀、獎牌並公開授獎,以及編印評選活動專刊。此一參賽性的誘因,顯然不足以吸引廠商投資大成本把圍籬做得更好。因此,在私部門的廠商對於「提高工地圍籬品質」顯然有不同看法,有除了政府舉辦評選競賽的獎勵機制之外的動機。本研究欲藉由釐清廠商願意投資的動機,並從廠商的視角來釐清現行的工地圍籬綠美化評選競賽有什麼不足,並找出未來的改進方向。 本研究針對「建築工地圍籬綠美化評選競賽參賽廠商的特性與動機進行評估」,發現七項特性:1.得獎廠商特性─廠商規模大為共同特性 2.廠商企業文化為影響圍籬品質之關鍵特性 3.「降低工地與周邊社區之間的衝突」為廠商重要動機 4.「美化市容」與「綠化城市」為廠商重要動機 5.廠商內部效益動機為「改善工人工作內容品質」 6.低調的企業文化為廠商不願參賽之主要原因 7.起造人與承造人動機主要差別在於宣傳對象的不同。 針對該競賽獎勵機制的未來改進方向,本研究提出五點建議:1.加強工地周遭社區與建築工地圍籬綠美化之互動2.建立建築工地圍籬綠美化後續維護保養之審查機制3.評選競賽之評選組別的多元化4.評選競賽之評審組成之多元化5. 評選競賽獎勵內容更實質化。


Improvement of city landscape with greening and beautification has long been the common expectations of the people. Taking advantage of International Flora Exposition in 2010, Taipei City has promoted a series of actions to transform the urban landscape in the name of Taipei Beautiful Program. One of the series actions is the mandatory implementation of the construction fence greening and beautification. In order to encourage quality of work, contest among construction sites was held. Since more "quantity" does not guarantee good "quality"; contest is used to find and honor construction sites with nice performance as an incentive mechanism. The motivation of this research is to find ways for the improvement of contest mechanism through the analysis of participants’ beheavior. In general, the cost of winning construction sites is higher than the others. Winners of the contest are only awarded certificates, medals and public awards, as well as publishing the special column of the contest. The incentive seems not attractive enough since only less than 10% of construction sites chose to participate the contest. In this research, through clarifying the motivation of firms’ investments, and identification of the deficiencies of the existing contest from the perspective of firms, direction of improvements are to be identified. In this study, seven characteristics are identified from the investigation of firms participating the contests. They are: 1. Scale of winning firms is larger than others in general. 2. The corporate culture of firms is the key feature affecting the motivation for high quality. 3. Reducing conflict between the construction site and its surrounding community is an important motivation for firms to do good work. 4. Making the city beautiful and green is another important motivation. 5. Improvement of the working quality is another consideration. 6. The Firms decided not to join the contest because of low profile corporate culture. 7. Motivation between developers and the constructors are different to each other. In summary, five suggestions are proposed for future improvement of the construction fence greening and beautification contest: 1. Strengthening the interaction between the communities and construction sites. 2. Adding maintenance quality into contest score. 3. Groups of the contest of construction fence greening and beautification should be more diversified. 4. The composition of referee should be more diversified. 5. Rewards of the contest winners can be more practical.


Hayama, Sairan(2009).“Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics in Japanese Enterprises”,《多國籍企業管理評論》3(1).


