  • 學位論文


Chiang Kai-shek and General Headquarters-Focusing on Battle of Xuzhou

指導教授 : 胡平生


抗戰軍事制度研究,是諸多抗戰史研究中,相對薄弱的一環。本論文以統帥部的組織及運作為題,展開論述,重視制度的實際運作狀況,以深化抗戰軍事制度之研究。除了分析統帥部的結構,尚探討統帥部組織過程,並將之置於徐州會戰這場重大戰役之中,來看它的運作實態。探討問題包括統帥部命令的形成過程為何?命令是否皆為蔣中正個人所構思?最高統帥周邊的高級參謀,扮演著什麼角色?命令從統帥部傳遞到前線的過程為何?前線如何執行統帥部的命令?   談到統帥部,不能不談最高統帥蔣中正。蔣中正研究,為當前顯學。他身為國家最高領導人,許多事務,圍繞於其身而展開。與他有關的政治、經濟、外交諸多層面,學界已有充分研究;軍事方面,亦有所及。最高統帥為戰爭核心人物,與蔣相關軍事方面的研究,卻未若預期之豐富,多是附於各重大戰役的過程;集中或整體分析蔣中正與抗戰軍事者,相對較少。究竟他的軍事判斷為何?指揮技術如何?扣除過去歌功頌德的論著,吾人大多只有片斷或朦朧的了解。此為本論文另一重要課題。   本論文指出,作為軍事制度研究一環的統帥部研究,可以為吾人呈現不一樣的抗戰史。抗戰中的重大戰役,便不只是最高統帥或指揮官的故事,也不僅為前線戰爭經過細節,而是指揮機構通過由上到下的有機運作,綜合各項要素展現的繁複歷史圖像。此外,蔣中正研究熱潮,已沿續數年,從軍事方面切入,或仍有可為。戰爭,深刻影響著現今東亞世界甚至世界局勢;加深軍事史研究,應有其重要意義。


The Nationalist Chinese military system remains little explored despite that much research has been conducted on China’s war of resistance against Japan. This dissertation examines the Nationalist Army General Headquarters and discusses the organizational process with a case study on the Battle of Xuzhou to understand its actual state of functioning. Issues addressed include: How did military orders form? Was Chiang Kai-shek responsible for all of the orders? What role did the senior staff around Chiang Kai-shek play? What was the process where orders were sent from the general headquarters to the battlefront? How did the frontline troops execute these orders? Chiang Kai-shek was the supreme leader of the Nationalist Government and its army. Chiang made final decisions in many matters. Chiang studies have thoroughly probed the political, economic and diplomatic aspects of his leadership, but have merely touched on his military policy and tactic in specific battles. This dissertation therefore attempts to discuss and assess his military judgment and commanding skills as well. This dissertation interprets the history of China’s war of resistance against Japan from a new perspective: military system and command organization integrated historical elements tell a complex account of major battles other than commanders or frontline details. In addition, given that Chiang Kai-shek studies have made considerable progress in recent years, this dissertation sheds light on the military aspect. The profound impact of war on today’s East Asia and global situations demands further studies of military history.


