  • 學位論文


The Research on the Citizen Participation of Taipei City Council--Analysis Through Local Governance Approach

指導教授 : 趙永茂


中文摘要 沒有公民參與,地方治理就只能是一個空殼。沒有公民的參與,依托於橫向的公民參與網絡和自主管理運轉的地方治理就喪失了存在的基礎。沒有公民參與,分權化改革的部署就無法得到落實。 本論文的研究主題為「臺北市議會公民參與之研究-以地方治理途徑分析」,運用治理相關理論基礎,企圖檢視現行臺北市議會治理方式與公民參與現況與困境及探討其未來的可行發展。並參酌國内外的治理經驗,研訂臺北市議會促進公民參與之策略,包括建構公民參與平臺、完善公民參與機制、創新公民參與方式、提昇議會整體輔助及配套措施。 使議會成為政策或社區意見網絡交換場域,改變傳統議會被動、扭曲、污名、無效能、黑箱、肉桶政治的角色與功能,建立參與制度,主動引導民眾參與地方公共事務議題討論,展現議會公開、透明、合法、法治、回應、責任的民主治理精神,共同面對市民的問題與意見,彼此協力對市政府作出最良善的監督,共創市民最大的福祉與利益。 本研究最後建議如下:壹、使議會成為公民教育及訓練的活動場域;貳、使議會成為公共事務議題討論的論壇中心;參、建立議會開門立法及資訊公開制度;肆、建構議會多元參與的方式及途徑;伍、强化議會資訊與通信科技設備功能;陸、再造負責任的議事行政人員及前膽性的政治家;柒、催生臺北市的公民參與法、捌、建構功能型、治理型、參與型的區域議會。。 希藉此,使臺北市議會在公共政策決定及民主行政治理過程中,能運用公民參與策略,產生許多正面的地方治理效果,扮演積極為民喉舌、立法者的角色,使其成為參與型及治理型的議會,達到立法機關善治的目的。


Abstract Without Citizen Participation, local governance is but an empty shell. The local governance that relies on citizens’ horizontal interactions and a network of self-management would be bound to lose its basis of existence. More over, the arrangements of localization reforms wouldn’t be implemented. The topic of this thesis is ”The Study of Citizen participation in the Taipei City Council-a local governance approach analysis”. Adopting theories related to governance, this thesis intends to examine the current state and dilemma of on going governance as well as citizen participation in the City Council. Hence forth, the writer humbly wishes to explore feasible development strategy for the future. To take the initiative in setting up strategy to promote Citizen Participation in the City Council, this thesis has consulted institutions of governance from both domestic and abroad. The framework includes building up a participation platform, accomplishing the mechanism, innovating its method, enhancing assistance and coordinating the measures of the City Council. The suggestions of this study are as follows: 1.Develop the City Council to be an arena for citizen education and training. 2.Form the City Council to be a forum for public affairs. 3.Set up public legislation and transparent information mechanism for the City Council. 4.Build up multi-participation measures and procedures for citizen involvement. 5.Strengthen the facilities for information technology and communication. 6.Increase the involvement of responsible executive administrators and farsighted statesmen. 7.Speed up the process in the legislation of “Citizen Participation Law”. 8.Establish a functional and participatory type of regional City Council. Finally, the writer anticipates that the City Council, during the procedure of public policy making, could make use of the outcomes of this thesis to employ citizen participation strategy to generate positive local governance. The strategy then could also render the City Council to play a good role of legislator and the mouthpiece for the citizens. Not until transforming into a participating and governing type, the City Council could practically reach the long-term goal of organized legislation with adequate supervision.


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