  • 學位論文


A Decision Support System for the Choice of Medium-Capacity Transit System

指導教授 : 許添本


為了控制因都市快速成長所造成之交通擁擠、社會不公平,以及環境汙染等問題,許多地區紛紛轉為以大眾運輸為導向來滿足其運輸需求。大眾捷運系統(MRT)已廣用於世界各大城市,然而,其建設經費之龐大,是許多地區無法負荷的,加上這些地區的乘客需求量往往不需要使用大眾捷運,因此,為了提升大眾運輸服務,這類型的城市所需要的是一個運量高於公車並且所需經費低於大眾捷運系統的合適大眾運輸系統,中運量大眾運輸系統如公車捷運系統(BRT)、輕軌運輸系統(LRT)、導軌運輸系統(Guided Bus)、自動導軌系統(AGT)與輕軌捷運系統(LRRT or ALRT)可符合此要求。而這些運輸系統各有其優缺點,因此本研究希望能建立一個決策支援系統,以上述之中運量大眾運輸系統為方案,幫助運輸規劃者選擇一個最適合該地區之方案,另外,「維持使用公車」亦為一選擇方案。 在過去的研究中,常僅以一個(通常是成本)準則做大眾運輸系統之比較,即便是使用多個準則做比較也往往是各準則分開比較。為了能夠選擇合適的中運量大眾運輸系統,本研究希望能同時考慮多項準則,其中包括質化與量化準則。在本研究中,評估運輸系統之目標為「兼具良好績效與永續性」,因此評估準則須包含「績效」與「永續」這兩個部分,在分析與了解初步的績效與永續相關因素後,選出三個做為技術可行性評估之準則,以及十二個做為方案系統比較之準則。 透過一連串合理的與有組織的研究過程後,本研究改進質化與量化多準則評估法(MEQQD)並且運用加權最小平方法(Weighted Least-Squares Method)發展出一個能整合所有系統準則之方法來協助一地區選擇合適之中運量大眾運輸系統。為了方便大眾運輸規劃者運用此方法做系統選擇,本研究進一步地使用C#程式語言建立一個易於使用之決策支援系統。最後,在系統之建立完成後,帶入「淡水捷運延伸線」計畫之資料示範此決策支援系統之使用方式與功能。


The rapid growth in many urban areas has resulted in traffic congestion, social inequity, and environmental problems. To control these problems, many cities have turned to urban transit systems to serve travel demand. The mass rapid rail transit (MRT) system has been implemented in many metropolitan areas. However, many cities do not have either the financial resources to afford a MRT system or the passenger demand to justify it. To improve public transport services, what is needed for such cities is an appropriate transit system which has higher capacity than a regular bus (RB) system and cheaper than the MRT. There are several medium-capacity transit systems that can meet this requirement. Such systems include Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Light Rapid Transit (LRT), Guided Bus, Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) and Automated Light Rapid Transit (ALRT). Clearly, in the selection of an appropriate medium-capacity transit systems for a study area, the option of retaining the existing transit system (usually RB) should also be considered as an alternative. In the past, studies that dealt with the evaluation of alternative transit systems have been largely based on either a single factor (often cost), or on a few factors but with the alternatives compared on each factor individually. To select a suitable public transit system, one has to simultaneously consider and compare several system attributes some of which are quantitative while others are qualitative. In this research, the evaluation shall include both performance and sustainability attributes. After examining a set of preliminary performance and sustainability factors, three attributes are selected for testing the technical feasibility of each transit system alternatives and twelve attributes are used for comparing these alternative systems. A methodology is developed in this study to integrate these decision factors (i.e., system attributes) in the selection of an appropriate medium-capacity transit system for a given area in a rational and organized manner. The method is an improved version of the MEQQD method and uses the Weighted Least-Squares Method in its evaluation of the alternatives. To facilitate the use of the developed methodology by transit planners, it is implemented in the form of an easy-to-use Decision Support System (DSS). Such systems are a specific class of computerized information system that supports specific fields to do organizational decision-making activities. The C# language is used for building a DSS interface. A case study of the extension line of Damsui rapid transit system is also included to demonstrate the application of the DSS.


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