  • 學位論文


A Study of Striking Maritime Crimes in the Cooperation of Cross-strait

指導教授 : 黃錦堂


公共政策過程區分「政策規劃」、「政策執行」與「政策評估」三階段,本論文係針對政策執行之評估,亦即兩岸共同打擊海上犯罪於簽署協議後的執行成效,尤其針對海上犯罪的類型、犯罪情形與數據、海域遼闊特色及合作的情形,而為檢討,旨在找出兩岸共同執行的優缺結構因素,然後做一種合於政經與法治等之可行性之改革。 易言之,本文旨在分析兩岸共同打擊四大海上犯罪執行是否可達「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」簽署規劃目標,評估前開協議所訂合作項目是否有具體效益,倘無法達成預期目標,提出兩岸共同打擊海上犯罪修正做法,期藉前述兩岸共同打擊海上犯罪之策略,研訂兩岸可接受之共同打擊海上犯罪模式,以勾勒兩岸共同打擊海上犯罪之藍圖。本文將特別指出,兩岸共同打擊海上犯罪的依賴性高低,尤其是否我國有更高的迫切需要,從而依賴性高,對方從而有一定的談判與策略行動上之優勢?以及中國大陸出於如何的策略考量,而願意與我國簽署前開協議,而我國又出於如何的策略構想,雙方的策略考量決定了前開協議的簽署與文本的內容密度,而且也將決定其後續的執行成敗。 本文研究區分五章,第一章為緒論,第二章重點在論述兩岸海上犯罪之情形、類型與基本態勢,第三章在探討兩岸共同打擊海上犯罪之發展階段與策略考量,尤其指出雙方各自的依賴高低及策略考量,這也是本論文的核心思考。第四章在探討兩岸共同打擊海上犯罪之執行與檢討,第五章內容針對前面章節的研析與討論,提出本研究的結論與建議。


The forming process of public policies can be separated into “the plan of policy” ”the execution of policy” and “the estimation of policy”. This thesis focuses on the estimation of policy which puts emphasis on the effect of execution for striking maritime crimes in the cooperation of cross-Strait after signing certain agreements. Especially for the types, circumstances and data of maritime crimes, characteristics about width of seas and the conditions of cooperation, we review them in order to find out the good and bad factors of structure in the cooperation of cross-Strait. Then according to the result, we make an innovation which is suitable for all aspects in politics and economics, law and order and so on. Briefly speaking, the thesis mainly analyzed whether the execution for striking four major kinds of maritime crimes in the cooperation of cross-Strait is able to get the planning goals or not after “Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement” signed. Moreover, estimating if all cooperation items consisting in the above agreement could provide specific benefits or not, we can propose some modified methods for striking maritime crimes in the cooperation of cross-Strait when being not able to achieve expected goals. By the strategies mentioned above about striking maritime crimes on cross-Strait, we can draw up the methods executed on cross-Strait for striking maritime crimes to sketch the contour of blueprint for striking maritime crimes in the cooperation of cross-Strait. The article especially indicated the correlation of dependence for striking maritime crimes in the cooperation of cross-Strait. In particular, whether our country needs more to enforce those methods or not, according to the correlation to determine will the opposite side has certain superiority on the action of negotiation and strategy. Besides, mainland China is willing to sign the agreement with our country out of what kind of considerations in strategy and how about the idea for signing this document strategically by ourselves. The concern of strategy in both decided the signature of agreement and the density of that text and which will determine the effect of execution after. The study is separated into five chapters. The first chapter is preface. The importance of the second chapter described circumstances, types and basic situations of maritime crimes on cross-Strait. The third chapter discussed the stages of development and the consideration of strategy for striking maritime crimes in the cooperation of cross-Strait, particularly indicating the correlation of dependence with each other and the consideration of strategy which are the cores of thought in this thesis. The fourth chapter discussed the execution and review for striking maritime crimes in the cooperation of cross-Strait. The fifth chapter put emphasis on analyses and discussions about the former chapters in order to propose some conclusions and suggestions of this study.




林振耀(2014)。「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」簽署後 我國警察機關執行成效之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00382
廖芳萱(2012)。兩岸共同打擊跨境犯罪研究 制度與實務分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.02206
