  • 學位論文


A Study of Hydraulic Conductivity of DNAPL in Rock Fracture

指導教授 : 鄭富書
共同指導教授 : 翁孟嘉


石化工業帶來經濟的高度發展,相對地也造成環境嚴重汙染。多數電子工廠、化學工廠、殺蟲劑製造廠以及煉焦碳廠等所使用的諸多非水相液體如氯化溶劑、煤焦油及雜酚油等,滲入土壤、地下水以及岩層中,使得廠區許多土地及含水層已遭到不同污染物質侵入,造成地下水質惡化,不僅減少珍貴的水資源,也形成環境保護工作的負擔與隱憂。為了解重質非水相液體 (DNAPL)於岩石裂隙中的傳導特性,本研究採用三軸透水實驗,藉由改變不同裂隙內寬及外在圍壓,量測兩種以上的重質非水相液體 (DNAPL)之滲流量,以供未來進行重質非水相液體污染範圍評估之依據。 結合以上試驗分析結果顯示:(1) 得知裂隙內寬及黏度對於導水係數預測結果的貢獻,為影響較多的因子。(2) 液體黏度的貢獻可能遠比立方律中的預測更多,非立方律中的預測僅單一倍數的放大或縮小,液體單位重及動力黏度隨溫度變化的增幅並不同,分項討論能提高預測精確度。(3) 用不同材料性質去代替粗糙度的產生,試驗結果與理論式-立方律的趨勢雷同,粗糙度越大引致導水係數越小。(4) 立方律之適用區間如前人研究中所提及,介於0.02 mm ~ 0.2 mm之間,但真實的裂隙內寬不僅限於此區間,此研究試驗結果提出區間外的岩體滲流預測模式。


Although the petrochemical industry has brought a high economic development, also caused serious pollution of the environment. Dense non-aqueous phase liquids(DNAPL), such as chlorinated solvents, coal tar and creosote, used in electronics plants, chemical plants, penetrate into the soil, groundwater and rock fracture, so that many nearby land and aquifers have been invaded by different contaminants. In order to understand the conduction characteristics of DNAPL in rock fractures, this study will use triaxial permeability test to obtain two different DNAPL (paint and creosote) transmissivity, by giving different aperture specimens and confining pressure. Hope it can be the basis for evaluation of DNAPL scope in the future. The results of the experimental results show that: (1)The contribution of the aperture and viscosity of the fracture to the prediction results of the conductivity, which are the factor that affects more. (2)The prediction result is different with cubic law which is only a single factor to enlarge or reduce. The unit weight and the dynamic viscosity vary with the temperature are different. Discuss them separately can make the prediction more accurate. (3)Using different materials to represent the roughness, test results and cubic law have the same trendency, the greater roughness caused by the smaller conductivity. (4) The applicable interval of the cubic law as mentioned in the previous studies, is between 0.02 mm to 0.2 mm, but the actual aperture is not limited to this interval. The results of this study will show the new seepage mode .


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