  • 學位論文


Study of Behavior of Devil Tanoak Tree ( Lithocarpus lepidocarus (Hayata) Hayata ) Shoot, Flower and Fruit Growth and Development

指導教授 : 陳右人


本文分三個部分,分別調查鬼櫟枝梢與果實之發育,和鬼櫟果實性狀及初步選育。 本試驗第一部分,探討鬼櫟枝梢與果實之生長週期。在高海拔與低海拔各射一觀察點,高海拔觀察點之鬼櫟植株,分布於海拔約1500公尺之南投縣仁愛鄉力行產業道路兩側,共標定與觀測15株。低海拔觀測點為位於海拔高度約70公尺之台中市霧峰區的行政院農業委員會農業試驗所,觀測植株為7-9年生實生鬼櫟5株。高海拔之鬼櫟於三至四月抽梢,新梢抽出生長至成熟後,由頂端數個芽抽出花序,並於八月至九月開花,一年抽營養梢及花序各一次,果實在隔年時至十一月開始陸續完全成熟。低海拔之鬼櫟分別於三月及七月各有一次較明顯之抽梢期,每次抽梢之枝條成熟後大多亦抽出花序,五月及十月是較明顯之開花期,第一次花期所結的果實在同年十二月至隔年一月成熟,第二次花期所結之果實在隔年十月成熟。 本試驗第二部分,探討低海拔鬼櫟果實生長曲線與性狀表現。高海拔之鬼櫟約在十月花期完全結束,所結之果實以小果越冬,並進入果實生長之停滯期,至隔年花序抽出後才開始有明顯成長。鬼櫟於低海拔則有兩次開花期,於三月抽出第一次梢開花後所結之春花果,調查直徑、高度、重量等性狀呈現S型之生長曲線,並且於當年十二月至隔年一月開始成熟而自然落果。於七月抽出第二次梢所結之秋花果,其生長發育曲線則呈現雙S型曲線,需至隔年鬼櫟抽出春花花序時才開始快速成長,至翌年十月果實才到達完熟。亦即,春花和秋花果實生長發育模式有顯著差異。 本試驗第三部分,為調查所標定鬼櫟植株之果實及種子的性狀,並進行初步選拔。在2011年十一月撿拾標定鬼櫟植株自然落果之成熟果實,每株撿拾30至40顆,去除蟲蛀等不良果實後,隨機挑選20顆調查其各項性狀。由於自然落果之鬼櫟殼斗完整性歧異度極大,因此將所採集到之鬼櫟果實,去除殼斗後測量其含種殼之堅果重、堅果高、堅果直徑和去除果皮後可食部分之種子重。經分析後,發現種子重量與堅果重、堅果高、堅果直徑皆呈現顯著正相關,其中以堅果重為影響種子重最重要相關因子。因此,早期選拔可以堅果重為較優先考量。但由於堅果重與種核重亦呈現正相關,而一般堅果可食率高表示果皮薄且比例低,故必須以可食率來評判。以目前調查之植株進行選拔,結果以LC201與LC197兼具高可食率與高可食重量為最優秀之採集個體。


殼斗科 生長週期 堅果


This article is divided into three sections: the shoot development , fruit ecology and development, and preliminary breeding of the devil tanoak (Lithocarpus lepidocrpus (Hayata) Hayata). The first section is the development of the devil tanoak shoot. Devil tanoak of high altitude observation point is distributed about an altitude of 1500 meters and located at road sides of Lixing industrial road in Nantou County, with the total count of 15 observation trees. Devail tanoak of low altitude observation point is growing at about an altitude of 70 meters in Wufeng, Taichung, and total observation trees are five 7-9 year old trees. The sprouting period of the devil tanoak is usually in March to April. After the shoots are mature, inflorescence and anthesis form a number of top buds appears in August to September. Therefore, the devil tanoak of high altitude grows vegetative shoots and inflorescence one time in a year. The devil tanoak of low altitude is sprouting in March and July. Each shoots is almost inflorescence after mature. May and October are more obvious flowering and the fruit also mature at December to next year’s January and next year's September. The second section is the fruit ecology and development of devil tanoak. The devil tanoak of high altitude usually completely finishes anthesis in October. And pistillate flower will be little fruit stage to pass winter and into the period of fruit stagnation. Until next year's new shoots inflorescence, the fruit will significantly grow. The devil tanoak of low altitude has two anthesis period. Spring fruit is the fruit from the shoot first sprouted in March and finished anthesis, and the curve of growth from fruit diameter, height, weight are fitted S curve. The fruit will be mature in December to next year’s January and natural drop from shoots. Autumn fruit is the fruit from the second sprouted in July. The curve of growth from fruit diameter, height, weight is fitted double S curve. Autumn fruit should start growing until next year's Spring flower anthesis, and the fruit will be began to be mature in October. Therefore, the fruit from Spring or Autumn flower grow in significant difference. The third section is the survey of calibration tanoak fruits and seed traits and preliminary breeding. The experiment method is picking up 30 to 40 fruits per plant, and removing the bad fruit, for example, bitten by pests, and then randomly selected 20 fruits per plant. Record the fruit and seed traits. Due to the cupule of natural drop fruit integrity are greatly diverse, so we removed the cupule of fruit and measured the content which only contains shell's nut weight, nut height, nut diameter, and the edible seed weight without shell. After analysis, we found seed weight is significantly correlated with nut weight, nut height, and nut diameter. And we will found nut weight is the most important factor. Also, high edible rate is an important factor that we need. Therefore, we can also perform preliminary breeding based on the tree's trait of nutweigt:seedweight's ratio. Among the selection of the current investigated plants, LC201 and LC197 both shows high rate and high edible weight, and thus could be the best strains.


fagaceae development behavior nut


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