  • 學位論文


Strategy Transformation Study of Small and Medium-sized Private Enterprises — Illustrated by the example of Julong Group

指導教授 : 黃崇興


我國的中小民營企業經過改革開放三十多年得到了快速發展,形成了一定規模。但是,隨著國際市場的進一步開放,國內市場的迅猛發展,壟斷行業逐步放開,政府取消政策性保護國內企業免受外資企業競爭的規定生效,各行各業都進入了競爭劇烈的階段,中小民營企業與大型國有企業、跨國公司在舞臺上同台競爭,面臨重大挑戰。同時,中小民營企業在發展到一定規模後,遇到了外部市場的變化和內部經營管理等諸多問題,面臨著發展的障礙和瓶頸,承受著來自各方的壓力。如果民營企業繼續保持固有的發展模式,必然處於競爭的劣勢,最終將被市場所淘汰,這是中小民營企業生存與發展的最大威脅,基於上述背景,確立了中小民營企業戰略轉型研究這一課題。本研究課題以巨龍集團為實例,採用案例分析法,再以問卷調查法為輔助方法展開研究,側重理論與實踐結合,通過問卷調查對被研究企業進行廣泛調研,在此基礎上選擇部分重點問題進行深入專題訪談,取得初步資料,通過對初步資料的統計分析和整理得到論文的論據,在對案例企業進行全方位的深入調研後,完成論文的案例分析。經過研究分析,總結出以下結論:1、中小民營企業戰略轉型是一個系統的動態的過程,必須立足企業現有規模和發展水準,積極主動的尋求適合企業轉型發展的最有效途徑和模式,從組織制度、股權制度、管理制度、分配制度、用人制度、經營模式、企業文化等方面進行系統設計,決不能照搬別人的模式,也不能片面的從某一方面進行變革。正所謂適合自己的才是最好的。2、雖然中小民營企業的規模和經營形式各不相同,但發展所經歷的階段和存在的問題大體相同。隨著國內市場的迅猛發展,國際市場的進一步開放,壟斷行業的逐步放開,國有企業的轉制,中小民營企業只能順應形勢不斷進行體制和機制變革,才能保證基業長青,只有變革才能促進發展,只有變革才能保持旺盛的生命力。3、中小民營企業戰略轉型的動力不僅來自於企業內部,還來自於國際國內市場環境的變化、宏觀政策的改變等多種因素的影響。所以,在戰略轉型過程中要從堅持從實際出發,堅持以人為本,從宏觀環境和微觀環境系統思考,漸進推進,不可一蹴而就。4、中小民營企業戰略轉型的難點在於思維觀念的轉變。中小民營企業的戰略轉型首先要轉變觀念,徹底摒棄傳統的、固有的、僵化的東西,這是一個非常困難的過程,對戰略轉型起著至關重要的作用。因此,要把轉變觀念放在第一位,才能順利推進戰略轉型。 以上結論說明中小民營企業戰略轉型存在內因與外因的辯證關係,必須內外兼顧,堅持前瞻性、目的性、創新性。所以說中小民營企業實施戰略轉型是重塑競爭優勢,提升社會價值,實現新的經營業態,為生存而戰的一種最佳選擇。


After more than 30 years rapid development of reform and opening up, small and medium-sized private enterprises in China have formed a certain scale. But with the further opening up of international market, rapid development of domestic market, gradual opening up of monopoly industries and the government canceling protecting policy of competition from foreign-funded enterprise, every field has entered the stage of fierce competition. Therefore, small and medium-sized private enterprises have faced large challenge due to they stand in same stage with large state-owned enterprise and Multinational Corporation. Meanwhile, after the development of small and medium-sized private enterprises reaching to certain scale, they are meeting many problems such as the changing of outer market and inner operation management; consequently they are facing obstacles and bottlenecks in development and under press of all parties. If they keep their inherent development model, they will be at a competitive disadvantage and be washed out by market at last, which will be the biggest threat of their survival and development. Based on the background above, the author determined the subject of strategy transformation study of small and medium-sized private enterprises. This subject takes example of Julong Group, uses case analysis method and is supplemented by questionnaire survey method to research, places extra emphasis on theory and practice, bases on the extensive research for be researched enterprises by questionnaire survey, chooses part of key issues to interview deeply and gets preliminary data, through collecting and analyzing these preliminary data, gets argument of this paper; after comprehensive and in-depth research for case company, the author finished case analysis of this paper. After research and analysis, summarized the following conclusion: 1. The transformation of small and medium-sized private enterprises is a systematic dynamic process, the manager must base on the present developing scale and level, take the initiative to look for the effective method and model which are suit to transformation and development of enterprises, design systematically in organizational system, share system, management system, distribution system, choosing of staffing model and company culture. They neither copy other company’s model nor reform one-sided in certain aspect. Like the saying people always says,” What's suitable is the best! ” 2. Although the scale and operational form are different in every enterprise, the stage and problems they faced through the process of development are same in general. With the rapid development of domestic market, further opening up of international market, gradual opening up of monopoly industries, and transformation of state-owned enterprise, only can small and medium-sized private enterprises reform sustainable in system and mechanism by following the situation, their enterprises will be built to last, only can reform promote development, only can reform keep enterprise exuberant vitality.3. The motive force of small and medium-sized private enterprises doesn’t merely come from enterprises themselves but also from the changing of market environment both international and domestic, macro policies etc. Consequently, these enterprises should be realistic, adhere to people-oriented, considering the system in both macro and micro environment in the process of strategy transformation, gradual progress, and that will not happen overnight. 4. The point of small and medium-sized private enterprises’ transformation is in the changing of thinking, therefore they should change their thinking method, abandon those conventional, inherent and rigid things. It must be a very difficult process, but it also must play a important role in enterprise transformation. Therefore, only by putting transforming the idea in the first place, they can boost strategy transformation smoothly. The conclusion above prove that the strategy transformation of small and medium-sized private enterprises has the dialectical relationship between internal and external causes, they should consider the situation of inside and outside, persist in perceptiveness, purposiveness and innovativeness. Consequently, the implementation of small and medium-sized private enterprises’ strategy transformation is the best choice of rebuilding competition advantage, lifting society value, realizing new operation form and striking for survival.


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