  • 學位論文


Current status of Congregate Meal Service for the Elderly and its Effectiveness for the Participants ---- using Taipei City as an Example

指導教授 : 楊銘欽


研究背景與目的:近年來,定點用餐服務之使用人數與服務量能呈現明顯的成長趨勢,然,自2005年推行定點用餐服務模式以來,少有文獻以此為研究焦點進行探討。因此,本研究旨在了解臺北市老人定點用餐之服務現況,並探討參與定點用餐模式對於老人之效益及其相關因素。 研究方法:本研究為一探索性的橫斷型研究,研究對象主要有二,分別為:定點用餐服務提供者及定點用餐服務使用者。在服務提供者方面,以分層等比例隨機取樣的方式取得研究樣本;而在服務使用者方面,則是以群集抽樣的方式取得研究樣本。採用面對面訪問的方式,以自行發展的結構式問卷為測量工具,進行原始資料的蒐集。後以多元線性迴歸模型以及多階層分析模型進行分析。 研究結果:在服務提供者方面,總計取得有效回收問卷數為35份,回收率為:95%;在服務使用者方面,總計取得有效回收問卷數為613份,回收率為:70%。 在服務提供者方面,研究結果發現:74%的據點具有使用者付費的機制,每人每餐收費範圍自20至50元不等;89%的據點每週提供服務的日數為3天以下;77%的據點所提供的餐食並無接受營養師指導。 在服務使用者方面,研究結果發現:使用者以女性、喪偶、白天獨居、無經濟壓力、健康狀況尚佳者居多;心理及社會面向之各題項的平均得分皆高於生理面向的題項;高度參與頻率之使用者的參與效益分數顯著高於低度參與頻率的使用者;年齡與參與年數亦是參與效益的相關因素。 結論:參與定點用餐服務較傾向心理及社會面向的滿足。參與頻率與使用者感受效益具相關性,然目前我國定點用餐服務提供的日數多為2至3天,導致老人可以選擇去據點參與服務的天數有限。建議相關單位應持續透過輔導與補助,協助定點用餐服務據點以每週提供五天服務的目標努力,進而增加老人參與服務的機會。 關鍵字:定點用餐服務、老人、參與效益、多階層分析


Background: In recent years, participation and service volume of congregate meal service have increased. However, few empirical studies have explored this topic. Thus, this study aims to investigate the current status of congregate meal service, and to understand the effectiveness of participation of congregate meal service and the associative factors. Method: This study is a cross-sectional study. Participants are the users and providers of congregate meal service sites. The data were collected through face to face interviews by using the self-developed structured questionnaire as a measuring tool. Multiple linear regression and Hierarchical Linear Models were performed to identify the factors associated with effectiveness of participation. Result: In terms of the providers, 74% adopt the mechanism of user charge, the charge varying from NT$20 to NT$50 per person/per meal. 89% the service days is within 3 days/per week. 77% provide meals without nutritionist's suggestions. In terms of the users, they tend to be female, widows, live alone during the day, have less financial pressure, and on a general state of health. The average score of psychology and socialization dimensions is higher than the physiology dimensions. The scores of participation effectiveness for the users with high participation frequency is significantly higher than those with low frequency participation. Age and engaged time are also associated factors of participation effectiveness. Conclusion: Participation in congregate meal services is more inclined to satisfy psychological and social dimensions. The results indicates that participation frequency is associated with effectiveness of participation. However, lots of congregate meal service sites’ service days are within 3 days. To improve the flexibility of congregate meal service, the service days of congregate meal service should be considered. Keywords: congregate meal service, elderly, the effectiveness of participation, Hierarchical Linear Models


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