  • 學位論文


A Study of the Application of Key Success Factors of Line on Agricultural App

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


隨著智慧手機及平板電腦銷量爆發及行動上網日趨成熟,人們從過去使用電腦上網完成的生活應用正悄悄轉移至行動裝置,甚至有研究指出:行動裝置使用時間將逐漸趕上個人電腦與電視,這是過去始料未及的。 這些行動裝置上裝載的應用程式App (Application應用程式縮寫,以下簡稱App)逐漸進入我們的生活。它不單單是行動裝置上的應用程式,漸漸融入生活與食衣住行結合,提供休閒娛樂即時訊息情報,更真切的帶動了生活的便利性。 近兩年快速崛起的行動即時通訊軟體Line,憑藉免費傳訊通話與可愛貼圖,成功締造驚人的下載量,今年官方就宣布全世界註冊用戶數量已經超過了一億(中時電子報,2013)。 研究者在農業金融資訊中心服務,注意到有很多行動農業App提供後端農業雲資料庫查詢。舉凡農村休閒旅遊、農業生產銷售狀況、氣象、水利、土壤、農藥肥料、產銷規劃等即時資訊給農民參考也受到相當程度歡迎。 本研究採修正式德菲法以文獻探討產生初步構面指標再輔以專家問卷反覆作增刪修改,並建立分析之層級關係,最後由層級分析法決定各層級指標間相互之權重。實證結果發現即時通訊軟體Line關鍵成功因素前五個重要指標依序為「建立群組聊天」、「具跨平台版本」、「傳送照片影片」、「免費下載」、「可愛表情貼圖」。此研究結果顯示社群經營及關係行銷是行動即時通軟體發展趨勢,除了提供產業策略評析參考外,並依據結果對農業行動資訊加入相關整合應用及未來研究提出建議。


With smart phones and tablet PC sales outbreaks and mobile Internet matures, people use the internet from the past life of complete application is quietly transferred to a mobile device, and even studies have pointed out: mobile device usage time will gradually catch up with PC and TV, this is the last unexpected. These mobile devices hosted application App (Application) gradually into our lives. It is not just an application on a mobile device, and gradually integrate into the life and Letting combine to provide entertainment instant messaging intelligence, more real, driven by the convenience of life. The past two years the rapid rise of mobile instant messaging software Line, with free calls and messaging lovely textures to create amazing success downloads this year, announced the official number of registered users worldwide has more than one hundred million(China Times, 2013). Researchers at the Agricultural Finance Information Center service, noting that many agricultural App database backend agriculture cloud covered the leisure and tourism in rural areas, agricultural production and marketing conditions, weather, water, soil, pesticides, fertilizers, production and marketing planning, real-time information to farmers Referencealso welcomed by a considerable degree. This study used modified Delphi method literature review and expert interviews to generate initial dimensions indicators supplemented by expert questionnaire repeatedly for additions and deletions to modify, and to establish the hierarchical relationship of the analysis, the final decision by the Analytic Hierarchy Process each level indicators each other's weight. The results showed that the Line key success factors of instant messaging software before five important indicators in order to "create a group chat", " cross-platform version of the Send Photos Videos "," Free Download "," cute face map ". This study showed that Community operations and relationship marketing is the development trend of mobile IM software, in addition to providing industrial policy Analysis reference above, and based on the results include relevant information on agricultural operations integrated application and future research recommendations.


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