  • 學位論文


Competitive Strategy and Business Opportunities For Taiwan's RFID Industry

指導教授 : 游張松


無線射頻辨識 (Radio Frequency Identification, 簡稱RFID) 正在演變為一種可在全世界通用的辨識及追蹤物品資產的主要無線技術。 它不僅可以幫忙醫院快速辨識病人身份及找到需要的醫療設備以提昇醫療照護品質,及幫藥品商做藥品防偽管理,還可幫物流商改善流動性資產的追蹤管理。全世界主要的零售商包括龍頭Wal-Mart 等已經要求其旗下供應商必須全面將商品貼上RFID 電子標籤以增加商品可見度。這些例子只是其中一些採用RFID 的好處。因此,有人以<二次IT革命>來形容RFID技術的潛能及發展性,可望創造出無限的商機,這也意謂著RFID時代的即將來臨。 雖然大家都一致看好RFID技術,且都預測RFID市場成長會突飛猛進,但在初期遭遇實際系統導入的種種挫敗後,結果並未如各界所預期。最主要的原因是標籤成本高。雖然標籤的價格有逐年下降,但截至目前為止價格依舊過高而無法帶動廠商的全面採用。 台灣從2004年以來在政府推動下開始積極投入RFID技術研發已有四年,但成效並不如預期,在RFID的實際應用也落後其他國家。最根本的問題在於台灣始終沒有在RFID晶片技術上有所突破的表現。由於IC成本幾乎佔整個RFID標籤的50%,晶片技術不成熟會連帶影響到RFID產業鏈上其他產品的競爭力,也導致台灣廠商只能流於使用者,而難以立足國際市場。但從另一方面來看,台灣在全球IC設計業已是第二把交椅,加上有全球最完整的IC產業供應鏈,以及在IT業的成功經驗,這些既有的優點應有機會讓台灣在RFID產業鏈上也能立足,並扮演一個關鍵供應者的角色,而帶動整個市場的快速起飛。 基於上述的動機,本研究將試圖深入探討及分析在全球RFID產業趨勢及市場競爭下,台灣廠商面臨的機會與挑戰以及在全球RFID產業鏈上台灣適合扮演的角色。本研究最後將針對台灣目前RFID產業的處境,提出一套可突破重圍的競爭策略及商業成長模式,主要著眼在於將台灣建立成一個可以提供最低RFID晶片及標籤成本 (目標在美金十分以下) 的世界級領導供應商,來帶動全球RFID產業鏈,進而提升台灣RFID產業的整體競爭力及引進並擴大台灣業者的無限商機。


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is evolving as a major technology enabler for identifying and tracking objects and assets around the world. It can help hospitals identify patients and locate medical equipment more quickly to improve patient care, pharmaceutical companies to reduce counterfeiting of prescription drugs and logistics providers to improve the management of moveable assets. Many of the world’s major retailers including Wal-Mart have mandated RFID tagging for pallets and cases shipped into their distribution centers to provide better visibility. These are just some examples of the potential benefits of using RFID. Some people think that RFID is perhaps the biggest thing to hit the IT world since the Internet. While the RFID technology seems very promising, its initial market growth appears stagnant with delayed project launches worldwide as it faces some business and technical challenges to the RFID adoption and deployment in the real world. The high tag cost seems to be the most critical issue of all. While the cost of RFID tags is steadily decreasing, it is still considered too high today for the massive adoption. Taiwan’s RFID industry started in 2004 but had also appeared struggling, facing its own dilemma and challenges. The most fundamental issue here is that Taiwan so far has not been able to make the breakthrough in the RFID IC technology and cannot deliver its own commercial RFID chip or tag product. Since the IC cost is about 50% of the tag cost, the immature or lack of its own RFID IC capability will affect other products in the supply chain and thus make Taiwanese vendors very difficult to compete in the worldwide market. On the other hand, with the world’s most complete IC supply infrastructure support and being the number two in the IC design industry, Taiwan seems well positioned to play a key role in the worldwide RFID supply chain and could help drive the entire industry fast forward. Driven by this motivation, this research will attempt to analyze and address some of these issues and propose a new competitive strategy and business growth model that aims not only to establish Taiwan as a cost-leading RFID chip/tag solution provider, with target to be the first one to supply a sub-$0.10 tag solution, but also in the process to enhance the overall competitiveness and business opportunities for Taiwan’s RFID industry.


RFID tag IC technology industry supply chain deployment


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