  • 學位論文


Investigation of Growth and Development of Lycoris aurea Herb. by Non-Destructive Techniques

指導教授 : 張祖亮


本論文以研究乾貯溫度與涼溫處理時間,對金花石蒜生長與開花之影響,利用非破壞性磁振造影與電腦斷層技術,以建立台灣本土金花石蒜在花期調節之基本資料。 將已過花期處於休眠期即將進入綠葉期之金花石蒜鱗莖乾貯於10℃、20℃、25℃、30℃四種溫度下,調查乾貯期間,溫度對其生長之影響。乾貯於20℃者,最適於鱗莖葉芽之生長,其次為10℃,再者25℃,30℃最慢。高於或低於20℃,皆使鱗莖葉芽生長趨於緩慢,乾貯時間過久,有鱗莖葉片黃化斷裂現象發生。 比較金花石蒜鱗莖內部之三種非破壞影像,放射線X光影像無法判別鱗莖內部芽體為花芽或葉芽,磁振造影影像與電腦斷層影像則可正確判別。磁振造影影像最大特色為可觀察組織內水分含量,但因其價格昂貴及掃描時間長等因素,無法大量運用篩檢金花石蒜鱗莖。電腦斷層影像能正確判別鱗莖內部芽體為花芽或葉芽,且價格相對較低,掃描時間較快,為目前行金花石蒜鱗莖內部芽體較佳的選擇。 以磁振造影檢測具花芽之鱗莖,將鱗莖貯存於20℃處理較放置於溫室者,放置於20℃的鱗莖可提前抽花梗6.2天,具顯著差異;平均花梗長度亦較短12.4公分,但未達顯著水準。顯示20℃涼溫會促進金花石蒜抽花梗。 電腦斷層橫狀切面影像,顯示不同之葉芽型,鱗莖內部影像依組織密度與型態可分為一般型、一個主球有多個小球型及分球型。將電腦斷層影像檢測出花芽與葉芽之鱗莖,於不同時間給予20℃涼溫處理,可分別提前抽花梗與抽葉,且於2010年8月16日給予20℃溫度處理者,明顯對金花石蒜鱗莖促進縮短抽苔與抽葉天數。


This thesis aims to investigate the effect between growth and flowering on Lycoris aurea by the temperature. By the non-destructive technique, the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and the CT (computed tomography ) technique, the internal buds of Lycoris aurea are observed. In order to establish the data on flowering regulation of Lycoris aurea in Taiwan,the bulbs on different temperatures and durations are focused. Bulbs of Lycoris aurea in the dormant period are storage at 10℃,20℃,25℃ and 30℃,20℃is the most suitable for the growth of bulbs. And 10℃, 25℃, and 30℃ are the followings. Higher and lower than 20℃make the growth of bulb buds slow and the longer time of dry storage makes the leaves yellow and break. Compared with these three techniques of MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computed tomography )technique and X-ray, X-ray cannot detect the flower buds and leaf buds. However, MRI and CT can distinguish the flower buds and leaf buds exactly. In addition, MRI has the most significant feature, water content within the observatory, but the price of MRI is expensive and the scan time is long. As a result, CT is the best choice to distinguish the flower buds and leaf buds, because of its lower price and shorter scan time. The flower buds of bulbs at 20℃ are bolting 6.12days earlier than those at the green house via CT. By the flower buds and leaf buds of bulbs via CT, the flower buds and leaf buds at 20℃in different days are bolting and drawn earlier than those at the greenhouse. In addition, the effect of bolting and drawn is significant on August 16th.


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