  • 學位論文


Business Model for Healthcare Service Innovation–A Case Study for A Telehealth Center in Taiwan

指導教授 : 余峻瑜


隨著高齡少子化趨勢,人口結構開始加速老化,加上現代人生活型態改變,各式疾病發生年齡急遽下降,造成人民醫療費用的負擔逐漸增加,因此醫療照護之需求轉為治療與照護並重。其中心血管疾病照護與預防的需求越來越受到重視,但是國人對醫院及醫生高度依賴,造成了大量消耗醫療資源與社會資源的不良影響,因此醫界試著與國內科技廠商合作,透過資通訊科技的導入應用,發展遠距照護服務,激發出創新醫療服務模式的興起,進而帶動健康照護產業的發展。 然而組織複雜、醫療產業特有文化等背景因素,使得醫療產業在創新服務發展上的速度相對較慢。遠距照護服務模式正處於摸索、起步階段,因此本研究首先利用VISOR Framework 來探討台灣某醫院遠距照護中心的現行商業模式,而在高度競爭的醫療服務產業中,欲保持其競爭優勢以及永續經營,必須建立一套績效評估模式來維持其營運績效與服務品質。因此在探討商業模式之後,將接續建立專屬個案遠距照護中心的平衡計分卡,並且運用系統動力學的概念,繪製出各績效評指標之間的因果回饋環路圖,以補強平衡計分卡所忽略的指標因果關係與時機延遲效果之不足。 在研究結論中,對最終繪製出的因果回饋圖進行分析,對個案遠距照護中心接續的營運建議,並且提出本研究之限制與後續研究建議。


Because of the trend of aging society、declining birthrate, and the lifestyle change, the age of disease incidence is decrease dramatically, cause the medical treatment cost for people is increasing. Therefore, the demand of treatment and care is emphasized equally, especially there is pay much attention tocare and prevent cardiovascular patient. But people is too rely on hospitals, it waste huge medical and society resources, so the hospitals and technology companies try to collaborate, by IT application to develop the Telehealth Service, and to agitate the new service model of healthcare innovation. However, the innovation speed in medical industry is slower than others because of the complex organization and the special culture background. The service of telehealth is just in the beginning level, so at the first, this study usethe VISOR Framework to discuss the business model, and then develop the Balance Card based on the current practice of a Telehealth Center in Taiwan,and investigate the all KPIs by System Dynamics to build the casual loop in the final step, in order to cope with the BSC has limited ability to deal with the interactions between KPIs and does not consider the effect of time delay. Based on the results of the casual loop, provide some suggested about the performance evaluation and the business activity for the Telehealth Center.


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