  • 學位論文


Downsizing Local Government as an Organizational Reform in the People’s Republic of China, 1988~2004: An Approach Based on Fiscal Expenditure

指導教授 : 徐斯勤




From 1988 to 2004, local governments in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) underwent three rounds of organizational reform, launched in 1988, 1993 and 1998 respectively. They were aimed at tackling an array of problems, among which the downsizing of scale through reduction in personnel was of prime importance. The oversized local governments that resulted in staggering fiscal burden was a common concern for all local governments. Despite this commonality, the result and pattern (e.g., the contraction-expansion cycle in the scale of government) of local governments’ organization reform through downsizing manifested immense divergences due to various reasons. Such differences can be found among different rounds of the reform and among localities. This research attempts to explore and analyze the similarities and differences mentioned above, by examining the fiscal spending on personnel-related categories---the items of administration and management expenditure (行政管理費) and of public security/procuratorial/judiciary expenditure (公檢法支出) of provincial governments during 1988 through 2004. In scrutinizing such figures, the methodology is based on descriptive statistics and literature analysis. Sample provinces are selected and divided into economically advanced and backward groups, to highlight how the effect of local economic growth in combination with macroeconomic condition and the coerciveness of central government’s policy brought about diverse patterns of government organization reform in terms of temporal and spatial domains.


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