  • 學位論文


An Awaken Giant - A case study of a teacher leader in a private high school

指導教授 : 游家政


本研究旨在研究一位私立中學之英文科主任所實施之教師領導歷程、內容、策略與所面臨之問題。本研究採質性之個案研究法,透過訪談、觀察及文件記錄探究個案老師之教師領導。研究結論如下: 一、從新手教師成為教學領導者:個案老師在專業教師的引領下能有效率的學    習,減少摸索的時間。 二、從懵懂的教師領導者轉變為成熟的教師領導者:資深的教師領導者之專業教   學與以身作則的態度是給予個案老師最好的示範。 三、個案老師能善用教師專業發展社群的時間與教師共同觀課、議課與共讀。 四、在個案老師實踐教師領導時,致力於協助新進教師是重要的一環。 五、個案老師能根據不同新進教師的需求,調整不同的方式。 六、個案老師的行政工作繁重,亟需人力上的協助。


This case study aims to focus attention on the teacher’s experiences of leadership in a private school, including the strategies applied and problems faced. The information was gathered through interviews, classroom observation and the minutes of the professional developing community. Conclusions are as follows: 1.Guided and trained by a profession teacher helped the teacher leader, Yuan Yuan to learn how to teach as a beginning teacher. 2. Experienced and senior teachers set the best models and mentors for the teacher leader. 3. The teacher leader helps the teachers in the professional community to improve teaching by classroom observations, discussions and reading。 4. Helping and preparing new teachers are crucial to the teacher leader. 5. The teacher leader adjusts her strategies to meet different needs from the teachers. 6. Too much work in administration may lower the quality of the teacher leader’s teaching.


teacher leadership mentor case study


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