  • 學位論文


A Study on Passengers Weaving Behavior Model for Platform in Mass Rapid Transit Stations.

指導教授 : 范俊海


捷運月台最主要的功能為進行旅客轉乘與等候,其動線交織程度相較於捷運內其他地點密集。一般月台動線或月台設施的規劃,較少從人的行為角度進行考量。因此,本研究建立一套旅客交織行為模式,來描述捷運月台內旅客行走過程,並反映人群間的衝突與延滯。 根據本研究觀察,擁擠現象為影響捷運車站服務品質原因之一,動線空間配置與旅客行為因素造成捷運車站內的一處人群密度會無法事先預測的提升,而產生擁擠現象,並導致旅客移動速度呈延滯狀態。本研究嘗試從旅客行為因素角度,建構交織行為模式,以探討旅客衝突與擁擠現象。 研究結果顯示:(1)以細胞自動機的概念建立之動態網格平台,其結果證明此方法可以將行人移動描述得更為詳細,並可依據描述環境的不同使用多平台處理,或發展不同行為模式。(2)旅客行走行為過程之產生與影響因素,其結果說明可藉由三部分進行描述,即為期望路徑模式,修正路徑模式與衝突處理模式。(3)旅客動線交織方面,其研究結果發現90 度的動線交織呈現較多旅客衝突及延滯,180 度則較少發生旅客衝突及延滯。其主要原因為模擬之旅客在處理視距前方旅客相對於處理視距邊緣旅客其所受之影響程度不同,即模擬之旅客在處理視距前方旅客之反應能力較佳。也因此接近90 度的旅客動線交織較容易發生擁擠現象而導致整體月台旅客行走速度延滯。


The main function of the MRT platform for passengers to ride and waiting, and the dynamic of interwoven lines compared to other locations within the MRT-intensive. General platform moving line or platform facilities planning, and less from the perspective of human behavior to consider. Therefore, this study established a set of mixed passenger behavior, to describe the MRT passengers to walk within the platform process, and reflect the conflict between people and delay. According to the results of observation, crowding to affect the metro station, one of the reasons of service quality, circulation space allocation factors and passenger behavior of an MRT station will be unable to predict in advance the population density enhancement, arising from congestion and lead to speed of the passengers was delay state. In this study, behavioral factors from the passengers point of view, construct interwoven patterns of behavior, to explore the conflict and crowding passengers. The results showed: (1) to establish the concept of cellular automata dynamic grid platform, and the results proved that this method can be described in greater detail the pedestrian movement, and describes the environment based on multi-platform deal with different uses, or the development of different patterns of behavior. (2) Passenger travel behavior and influence the process of production factors, the results show that can be described by three parts, namely the desired path model, modified path model and conflict management mode. (3) moving lines intertwined aspects of passengers, the study found that 90 showed more dynamic lines interwoven conflicts and delay passengers, 180 passengers are less likely to conflict and delay. The main reason for the simulation of the passengers in the front passenger processing line of sight line of sight relative to the treatment suffered by the edge of the impact of its passengers in varying degrees, the simulation horizon in dealing with tourists in front of visitors, ability to respond better. Nearly 90 passengers and therefore moving lines intertwined congestion caused more platform travel speed passenger delay.


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