  • 學位論文


A Study on Home Economics Teaching Design of Learning in Groups in Junior High School

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究以行動研究的方式,探討如何透過「分組學習」規劃家政活動課程、學習主題,進行教學活動設計與教學內容,和如何進行循環式教學模式。課程分成兩個階段進行,第一階段為協同學習,第二階段為合作學習,每次課程都有錄影記錄,觀察學生對教學活動的反應,陸續收集相關資料。「分組學習」的教學活動可以協助老師在教室的秩序管理上更有能力,可以讓學生專心安靜聽課,透過學習單的「分組學習」討論,讓每一位學生都能學會動手操作內容與理論的部份。研究發現不論是協同學習與合作學習都可以提升學生學習效果,讓學生樂在學習之中,且兩種家政教學活動設計課程,對學生的學習有正向影響。   在分析研究歷程之後,做成結論,以提供教師在行動研究中的成長與收穫的參考。本研究結論有四點:一、「分組學習」很適合家政課程,教學活動應該依照教學單元的特性選用協同學習或合作學習。二、「分組學習」學習單愈多元、愈多變化,愈能引導學生學習。三、以「分組學習」進行家政課教學活動可以提升學生的學習動機和學習效果。四、「分組學習」的教學方式可以協助老師備課更專業、更快樂。   根據結論本研究做出二大點的建議,第一點是給家政教師的建議:(一)家政課程適合用小組學習的方式,提升學生知識探究興趣,培養日常生活解決問題的能力。(二)學習單的多元設計運用。(三)分組座位安排方式,隨機異質分組最恰當。(四)座位翻轉,學生學習明顯。第二點是對未來研究的建議,建議未來研究者,可以延長教學時間或研究期間,以增進教學成效。


The research is aimed to study how to design the creative home economics classes separately in base on the theories of “Collaborative Learning” and “Cooperative Learning.” The creative designs concluded the learning topics, teaching activities, teaching contents and circulative teaching models. The teaching experiments were divided into two stages. During the first stage, the experiment of “Collaborative Learning” was conducted. During the second stage, “Cooperative learning” was conducted. Throughout each of the classes, the film-recording was used to watch the students’ reaction and collected all the information. The creative teaching ways of Group Learning, both “Collaborative Learning” and “Cooperative Learning,” enabled the teacher to manage the students in the classroom more efficiently, made the students concentrate more , and make students better learn the manuals parts and the theoretical parts through the discussion in groups. This study revealed the fact that the students’ learning can be improved by either “Collaborative Learning” or “Cooperative Learning”. The conclusions are the followings: (1) The two ways of Group Learning are good for the home economics classes. The teachers can choose either “Collaborative Learning” or “Cooperative Learning” according to the units in the curriculums. (2) The diversified worksheets can advance and lead the students’ learning. (3) The students showed positive interests and learning results in Group Learning. (4) Group Learning enable the teacher prepare for the classes more efficiently and happier. The suggestions are the followings: (1) For the teachers, Group Learning, diversified worksheets, good arrangement of seats, and heterogeneity grouping can promote the teaching and learning. (2) For the future studies, if the experiments can be conducted for longer time, the results can be better.




