  • 學位論文

村上春樹文學中「跳舞」之意義 ─以「跳舞•dance」關連作品群為中心─

The meaning of “dance”in the works of Murakami Haruki;Focusing on the “dance” related works

指導教授 : 曾秋桂


本論文設定了四個課題,分成四章進行考察。第一章到第三章以透過作品構造與主角的心境變化,來考察作品中「跳舞」之意義。第四章則是針對此三部作品中的「跳舞」的意義做整體比較,並以宏觀角度探討「跳舞•dance」關連作品群中「跳舞」的變化。 第一個課題是對「跳舞的小人」中「跳舞」的意義之考察。藉由探討作品構成,並透過「我」是如何從欠缺自我存在意識,進而自我覺醒、喚起自我的過程,進而闡明「跳舞」的作用與意義。 第二個課題為探討『舞舞舞』中「跳舞」的意義之考察。透過此考察將探討「我」在得到「跳舞」的暗示之前後變化,並且分析「跳舞」與「dance」兩用語之差異,進一步闡明「跳舞」之意義。 第三個課題是考察「神的孩子都在跳舞」中「跳舞」的意義。透過探討善也從被內心黑暗束縛,直到藉由「跳舞」被解放之過程,來闡明「跳舞」之意義。 第四個課題則是由宏觀角度,來探究三部作品中「跳舞」的意義,以及時期上的變化。透過此考察進而分析村上春樹與「跳舞•dance」關連作品群之關聯性。


This thesis consists of four main subjects, which was analyzed with four chapters. Chapter 1 to chapter 3 is the analysis of the meaning of “dance” by researching the protagonists’ mind and its change. Chapter 4 is the compare of the meaning of "dance" in these three works. And then researching the changes of “dance” meaning. First subject is the meaning of “dance” in “The Dancing Dwarf”. According to the conclusion of this thesis, we can know the meaning of “dance” by investigating the frame of the story and how the protagonists changed from lack of self-existence to admit his own self-existence. Second subject is the meaning of “dance” in “Dance Dance Dance”. According to the conclusion of this thesis, we can know the meaning of “dance” by researching the change of the protagonists’ movement. And then analyzing the difference of the two terms, "odoru" and "dance" to prove the meaning of “dance”. Third subject is the meaning of “dance” in "After the Quake". According to the conclusion of this thesis, we can know the meaning of “dance” by researching “yoshiya”’s weakness in his mind and his change. Fourth subject is the different meanings of “dance” in these three works. And then finding the relation between the meaning of “dance” in the works and the author, Murakami Haruki.


Murakami Haruki dance 「I」 self-existence darkness


Ⅰ 単行本
