  • 學位論文


The Japanese Automotive Investment in the East Asia: Mainland China and Thailand

指導教授 : 蔡錫勲


第二次世界大戰前日本汽車產業的規模既小、引擎多自美國進口,在1955年開始擴充工業發展,1970年代時期的日本的國產汽車數量突飛猛進,在1980年代為世界上最大的汽車生產國,並且成為美國和歐洲之後的第三個汽車工業發展中心。 然而,1985年日本與美國簽署廣場協議以後,因日圓快速升值減弱了日本國內製造業等的出口競爭力,加上投資環境日漸惡化,使日本製造業等生產活動移向海外。並且1990年日本的房地產及股價崩跌,造成泡沫經濟破滅,陷入長期的經濟蕭條中。此外,日本在失落的二十年中,位在亞洲地區的新興國家紛紛崛起,例如鄰近的中國大陸以及位在東南亞國家等。 本論文以日本汽車產業為研究主體,以豐田汽車為例,探討豐田汽車進入新興國家市場-中國大陸及泰國為中心的東協市場的發展歷程,了解在當地的生產經營、銷售等方面擁有哪些成功的因素,使其能在眾多的日本、外國汽車企業中脫穎而出並在其汽車市場獨佔鼇頭。


In 1980s, Japan became the biggest car manufacturer around the world, and the third development center of automobiles right after America and Europe. However, since Japan signed the Plaza Accord with America in 1985, the rapid appreciation of the Japanese yen had lowered the export competitiveness of its domestic manufacturing. Together with the worsening investment environment, manufacturing activities of the Japan’s manufacturing industry started shifted to overseas. Moreover, the drop in real estates and the sudden decline in stock prices in Japan in 1990 led to the burst of the Bubble economy and thelong economic depression. Furthermore, in the 20-year-long depression, emerging countries in Asia (such as neighboring Mainland China and countries in the SoutheastAsia) have risen. This study aims to probe into the automobile manufacturing in Japan, specifically examining how Toyota entered the emerging markets—Mainland China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) centering on Thailand. A detailed investigation will be conducted to pierce into successful factors related to manufacturing management and marketing that Toyota has in the given regions, enabling Toyota to stand out against numerous competitors from Japan and foreign countries and lead the automobile market.


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