  • 學位論文

戰後台灣鐵路管理局台東線研究--以《花蓮管理處處報》為考察中心 (1956~1969)

The research of post-war Taiwan Railway Administration Tai-tung line—“Hualien Regional Office newspaper” as the inspection center (1956~1969)

指導教授 : 周宗賢


本文為探討1950~60年代台鐵台東線歷史,台東線曾有與西線不同的風貌,但在現今台灣對鐵道歷史未真正重視的情況之下,其獨特的歷史陸續消失在歷史洪流之中,相當可惜。本論文從台東線在其設備、與花東公路的互動及對花東地區的經濟影響做探討。 台東線為1909年起創建,分兩期完成,第一期為花蓮到玉里段,1909年開工,1917年正式通車;第二期為玉里至台東,為第一期完成後才開始建造,直到1926年台東線全線(花蓮—台東)才正式完成。台東線早期軌距為762mm,比現今1067mm軌距窄,在現今北迴及南迴線建造前,它在花東地區屬於一封閉之鐵道系統,也就因此與台鐵西線鐵路有所不同。除了軌距窄、車輛小之外,其車站的部份設備與西部車站相比有所差距,但是因地方的特殊環境,使得台東線擁有與西部幹線不同情景。 第一章〈緒論〉,為說明本論文研究動機、研究目的、文獻回顧、研究方法,最後是說明本論文的章節架構。第二章為〈台東線的歷史沿革〉,分為日治及戰後時期,來說明不同時期的台東線的情況。第三章為〈台東線的設備〉,為探討原有汽油動力客車改裝柴油引擎變為柴油動力客車,及後續新柴油客車引進,兩者對於台東線客貨運運輸的影響;另一部份是探討台東線裝設號誌機,當時裝設的號誌機為人工控制之「臂木式號誌機」,因使用至21世紀初,對近代人有一定回憶,探討號誌機除了解其對台東線之行車安全,也追溯其昔日之情景。第四章為〈台東線與花東公路〉,先探討1950年代後半台鐵代辦花東公路修復工程,花東公路有五段需與台東線鐵路橋共用,這五座橋經改造後可供鐵、公路共用,稱「鐵公路兩用橋」,台東線鐵公路兩用橋其型式在台灣少見,雖為當代貧窮情況之產物,但也形成了特殊地方景觀;另為探討花東公路通車後,台鐵曾代辦花東公路養護及地方公路客運的營業,雖然維持時間不長,但在台鐵戰後歷史上屬於特別的一段歷史。第五章為〈台東線對戰後花東地區的影響〉,探討台東線對花東地區的經濟影響,以貨物運輸、觀光旅遊、學生通學與學生旅行專車為例,最後是探討花東地區地方廟會,台東線在地方廟會活動中所扮演的角色。最後第六章為〈結論〉,為對於前面研究做為總結及心得,並對於台東線現在情況及未來做感想與展望。


This paper aims to explore Tait-ung Taiwan Railway History among 1950-1960s. Tait-ung line had a different style and the West, but Taiwan's railway history, now is not truly focus on the circumstances. Gradually lost its unique history among the tide of history, so what a pity. Tai-tung line is established from 1909, finished by two stages. The first stage is from Hualian to Yu-li at 1909, and operates at 1907; the second stage that is form Yu-li to Tait-ung starting after the finish of first stage, which the operational time is at 1926; therefore, the time what we call the completeness of the whole Tai-tung line(Hualian to Taitung). The early time of Tai-tung line’s rail distance is 762mm, which is shorter than today’s rail distance, 1067mm. before the construction of North-link line and South-link line Tai-tung line belongs to a closed rail system; however, that’s the reason of difference between the East and West railway. Except the narrow guage railway and the smaller carriage, the equipment of East station compares largely with the West, because their unique environment, making more various scenes with the West. The first issue focuses on the refit of equipment from the original gasoline railcar with diesel engine, changing into the diesel railcar; another part makes foci on the new diesel railcar. Above these two points, both parts affect Tai-tung line transportation business. Following discussion, this is about the installation of Tai-tung line’s signal machine of Semaphore by manual control, which has used until 21 century, but this is a memory for the modern people. The discussion of signal machine concentrates on not only the traffic safety of Tai-tung line, but also those all good days. Before understanding the interaction with Huadong highway, it should realize the later half 1950 of charging the repairing construction by T.R.A .The Huadong highway has used five sections for sharing with Tai-tung line bridge; these five bridges could be the railway or highway, which could be called “Railway-road dual purpose bridge”. It is the result of poverty time, but it also becomes a special landscape. Next Part is talking about the time after the operational Huadong highway. Special history of business of the later time in T.R.A, this short time of business was managed by T.R.A that is responsible in maintenance and local transportation. Finally, the text makes importance on the impact of Huadong area by Tai-tung line, such as the cargo transportation, the tourism, the commuter and students travel, or it talks about the main character of Tai-tung line in local religious festival.


洪致文,《珍藏世界台灣鐵道 幹線鐵路篇》,台北:時報文化出版企業股份有限公司,2000年12月31日
(一) 檔案、史料
