  • 學位論文


An Inquiry Into Hsiao Hsiao’s Poetic Texts

指導教授 : 蕭振邦


若以新詩創作、教學、評論與編選的著作數量等客觀事實為據,以及參與文學活動的積極度,蕭蕭儼然已成台灣現代詩壇上無法被忽視的存在,但在研究蕭蕭的散論或專著中,對比於新詩教學、評論與編選,詩作卻較少成為關注焦點。因此,本文以「如何恰如其分地描繪台灣現代詩壇上蕭蕭的詩人形象」為問題意識,採用中介嵌結法為研究方法,進行典範轉移的文獻解讀法,試圖兼顧文學批評的「作者」、「作品」、「讀者」與「世界」四要素,依基層概念分析、糾結議題的釐清與基本理念分析,直接而有效地切入探究主題,並同時嘗試選擇一種美學詮釋模型來完成對蕭蕭詩作的解讀。 首先由文化研究的進路論述現代詩典範轉移的狀況,以「中國古典文學詩定義的流變」、「五四新文學運動西化下的新詩改革」與「台灣現代詩發展的兩個球根說」三項文化元素形成現代詩傳統中的核心概念,接著採用雷蒙•威廉斯(Raymond Williams)的三元文化分析架構重構五○年代迄今的新詩發展史,藉此呈現文學批評中的「世界」要素。 其次援引蘇珊•朗格(Susanne K. Langer)的美學理論作為理論參考系,以突現理論為中介,形成「蕭蕭詩作─突現理論(中介)─蘇珊•朗格美學理論」的嵌結關係,對詩作進行基層結構面、上層結構面與基本理念的分析,細究詩作形式的美學涵義,以此突現出蕭蕭的詩人面貌與特質。接著以突現理論為中介,依作者與讀者兩種解讀詮釋進路,分別形成「蕭蕭詩作─突現理論(中介)─作者」與「蕭蕭詩作─突現理論(中介)─讀者」二種嵌結關係,藉此深究詩作中形式與情感的關係,如此一來,除了可以建構出蕭蕭的生命觀與生命情境,且能分析出詩作深層所蘊涵的重要意義。論述至此,則已含括「作者」、「作品」與「讀者」三要素。 最後以前述研究成果為基礎,在進行上述分析後所得出蕭蕭詩作展現的生命觀與生命情境,將其再回置現代詩的發展脈絡中,如此便能兼顧文學批評中「作者」、「作品」、「讀者」與「世界」四要素,是故循此除了能推究出支撐持續創作及推廣現代詩的動力來源,亦能準確描繪蕭蕭在台灣現代詩壇的詩人形象。


In this thesis I attempt to display the image of the poet Hsiao Hsiao in Taiwan modern poetry arena by interpreting his poetic texts as well as by explaining the meaning of these texts for the poet. I begin my study with the question of how to properly describe the image of the poet by using the method of mediated connections and the method of interpreting the paradigm shift of literature. I also include the four components of literary criticism--the author, the text, the reader and the world--into my analysis. Finally, I try to apply Susanne K. Langer’s aesthetical theory to interpret Hsiao Hsiao’s poetry. In practice, I first adopt Raymond Williams’s three-dimensional analytical framework of culture to reconstruct the history of Taiwan modern poetry’s development since 1950s till now. I then adopt “Hsiao Hsiao’s poetic texts--emergence theory (mediate)--Langer’s aesthetical theory,” “Hsiao Hsiao’s poetic texts--emergence theory (mediate)--the author,” and “Hsiao Hsiao’s poetic texts--emergence theory (mediate)--the reader” mediated connections to analyze Hsiao Hsiao’s poetic texts. With this practice I am able to display the four components of literary criticism. Eventually, my study will unfold the conception and the situation of life in Hsiao Hsiao’s poetry, contrasting it with the developing context of Taiwan modern poetry to assert the impetus of the poet’s pursuit of modern poetry writing and its proliferations. Thus, the image of Hsiao Hsiao in the Taiwan modern poetry is properly placed.



