  • 學位論文


Design and Implement of Self-Balancing Wheeled Inverted Pendulum System

指導教授 : 翁慶昌
共同指導教授 : 李世安(Shih-An Li)


本論文提出一智慧型控制器於輪型倒單擺系統中使其可自我保持平衡。硬體設計方面,整個系統係以Arduino DUE微控制實驗板為主要控制核心,並配合自製的I/O介面卡,包含了光學解碼晶片以及馬達驅動晶片,使控制系統能與直流伺服馬達溝通。本論文感測器採用陀螺儀偵測輪型倒單擺系統的傾斜角度,且陀螺儀資訊做角度計算前,會先透過卡曼濾波器(Kalman Filter)改善陀螺儀測量時的測量誤差,藉此可以更準確地計算出目前輪型倒單擺系統之傾斜情況。控制器設計方面,本論文設計一自我平衡及移動控制系統,其中包含平衡控制器及轉向控制器。平衡控制器利用一解耦合模糊滑動模式控制(Decouple Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control, DFSMC)方法進行設計,因輪型倒單擺系統的運動平衡控制問題涉及兩個方面,姿態平衡控制及運動軌跡控制,因此透過所提出之解耦合方法可同時解決此兩種控制問題。轉向控制器利用模糊滑動模式控制方法設計輪型倒單擺系統的兩輪速度差補償及方向控制。最後,經由不同實驗結果顯示本論文所設計之控制方法確實可使輪型倒單擺系統達到自我平衡,並且具有移動及轉向等功能。


This paper presents an intelligent controller for a self-balancing wheeled inverted pendulum system. In hardware design part, the control system is designed in an Arduino DUE microcontroller, and with a self-made I/O control card. Furthermore, this paper uses gyroscope to detect the tilt angle of the wheeled inverted pendulum system. In controller design part, this paper designs a self-balancing and moving control system, which includes a balancing controller and a yaw steering controller. Balancing controller designs based on decoupled fuzzy sliding mode control (DFSMC) approach, because the motion and balance control problem of wheeled inverted pendulum involves two aspects, posture balance control and trajectory control. Yaw steering controller via fuzzy sliding mode control method controls two speed difference compensation and direction control of the wheeled inverted pendulum system. Finally, experimental results show that the proposed control system implements a wheeled inverted pendulum system with self-balancing, moving and yaw steering functions.


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