  • 學位論文


Mobile City- An Investigation of the Relationships between the Team of Scooters and Taipei City

指導教授 : 陳珍誠
共同指導教授 : 宋立文


討論台北市的機車環境狀況,可以從兩個尺度來討論:一為「都市」尺度,一為「人」的尺度。「都市」尺度著重在上而下的討論,以了解騎車環境現況的優缺點。以「人」的尺度的討論,可以了解機車騎士使用機車的情況,並參考機車族群的集體行為來加以延伸討論,最後對應到機車騎士的生活方式。機車的發展介於未來與過去的交界點,在網路還無法完全代替機車傳送資訊的年代,機車的角色變得非常多元。機車是現代人身體的延伸,台北都市中容納了多樣的機車樣式以及使用方式,造就了現在我們所看到的機車地景。以現在機車的使用方式對應機車的街道設備需求,由使用者角度細膩的塑造街道上的機車空間尤其必要。 本研究首先以機車為對象,試圖在台北市的都市涵構中整理出屬於機車使用族群的生活觀。以研究者對於台北市的觀察,加上個人騎乘機車的經驗,整理出初步的設計研究流程。台北市的機車族群反應出,對應的機車相關硬體設施明顯的不足,台北的都市環境無法提供一個友善的騎車環境,機車族群已習慣於以自力救濟的方式來解決環境中的缺點。現代的都市交通工具的流竄行為,以機車的流竄最為快速,雖然城市中資訊無形的流竄更加快速,然而其實質效率上並無法完全取代有輪子的交通工具;因為資訊科技無法完全深入普及到都市中,交通與實體的流動還是得仰賴交通工具,來進行都市的有形資物資的傳遞。基於台北龐大的機車使用率,本研究以台北的機車族群為設計的對象,加上科技的輔助可讓台北的街道上添加有趣的機車地景,藉以改善機車族群在都市中的騎乘品質。 設計操作的部分由七種不同的機車地景來回應台北機車騎士的生活樣貌:1.行動(藝術)地景、2.便利地景、3.集體地景、4.藝術地景、5.速度地景、6.友善地景、與7.虛實並存之地景。希望藉由這七項機車地景重新定義機車族群在城市中的角色,並且可以清楚的回應四項重要的討論議題:1.機車族群騎乘環境的改善,2.因應機車而改變的城市容貌,3.機車所引發的城市藝術性,與4.機車族群所帶給市民的友誼。最後透過與真實基地環境,產生機車族群與市民在城市中的對話,在一條城市要道上設計不同的機車設備與設施,討論機車與機車族群與城市的新關係與新定位。本研究從機車的基礎設施的設計著手,進而希望創造出我們城市中的機車文化與特色。


When it comes to the situation of the motorcycles in Taipei, we can discuss it from two different scales: one is the city, and the other is the human. The city scale mainly talks about the environmental advantages and disadvantages to motorcyclists. As for the human scale, it tries to find out how people use their motorcycles and consult the acts of user groups for further discussion, which can reflect a motorcyclist’s way of life. Motorcycle’s research is at the cross-point of the past and the future. So far the Internet can’t completely replace motorcycles when we want to transfer information, so the role of motorcycles becomes multi-functional. Besides, the motorcycle is the extension of a human body. In Taipei, there are various types of motorcycles and usages, which make the motorcycle landscape as we see right now. Nowadays, the correspondence between the usages and the needs for street equipments lets us understand the importance that we should carefully design the space for motorcycles from the attentive viewpoints of users. Motorcycles are the target for this research, which tries to sort out unique concepts of life for motorcycle users of the city. According to the observation on Taipei and personal experience as a motorcyclist, and a rough research process arranged. Taipei’s motorcyclists clarify that there are not enough facilities for motorcycles, and the city also can’t offer a friendly environment for motorcycle riding. Therefore, they get used to finding a way of their own to solve the problem. Transportation is like a flow, and the motorcycle is one of the fastest. Although the information flow is even faster, it still can’t completely replace transportations that have wheels. Since information technology can’t popularize the city perfectly, we still need to rely on transportations to convey products. Based on Taipei’s massive utility rate of motorcycles, this research is trying to combine motorcycles and technology together, so there will be interesting motorcycle landscapes in the city streets, and it will also improve the environmental quality for motorcyclists. The design concept focuses on seven different motorcycle landscapes to respond a motorcyclist’s daily life, and there are: 1. Action art landscape, 2. Convenient landscape, 3. Collective landscape, 4. Art landscape, 5. Speed landscape, 6. Friendly landscape, and 7. Hyper landscape. Through the seven designs, this research redefines the role of a motorcyclist in the city, and clearly responds four important topics: 1. The improvement of the environment for motorcyclists, 2. The outlook change of the city because of motorcycles, 3. City art triggered by motorcycles, and 4. Friendships between motorcyclists and citizens. Finally, the conversation between motorcyclists and citizens generates through a real site. I design different facilities on a main road in the city, discussing the new relationships among motorcycles, motorcyclists, and the city. This research begins with the designs of basic facilities, and anticipates it can create a unique motorcycle culture and its characteristics in our own city.


台北市政府交通局 http://www.dot.taipei.gov.tw/
Marshall McLuhan, 1994, UNDERSTANDING MEDIA: The Extensions of Man; 鄭明萱,2006,《認識媒體:人的延伸》,台北;貓頭鷹。
