  • 學位論文


The Analysis of China IC Design Market-The Opportunity and Challenges for Taiwan IC Firms.

指導教授 : 林光賢 林江峰


根據中國信息產業發展研究中心 (China Center of Information Industry Development, CCID)統計,中國內需市場龐大,目前已是多項電子產品全球前三大消費市場;而在相對低廉土地、勞力…等成本優勢下,中國亦是全球主要電子產品生產基地。因此,由需求及供給所誘發的內含晶片需求亦呈現強勁的成長力道,驅動中國IC市場迅速成長。 但因目前中國的IC技術水準較落後、自製率偏低,仍不足以滿足內需市場,超過80%以上的IC需要進口。這種供需關係的缺口差距,正好吸引包括歐、美、日、韓以及台灣IC廠商,紛紛提早進入中國市場卡位。 台灣的IC設計產業,相較於中國本土業者,在行銷與產品創新經驗、類比與通訊等關鍵技術上均擁有絕對的優勢。再加上貼近中國市場,能較歐美業者快速反應後端客戶所遭遇之困難,協助找尋解決方案,勢必能在中國IC市場快速成長之際佔有一席之地。 本研究經由對影響IC設計產業之國際因素(全球市場現況與未來成長性)及中國因素(科技基礎建設、市場成長動力、政府政策、人力資源、產業群聚等)的討論,再加上對個案公司專業經理人的深度訪談,從政策法令面以及產業面提出建議,以作為未來台灣政府產業政策制定以及IC設計業者進入中國市場投資之決策考量。


According to the statistic of China Center of Information Industry Development, it indicated that China possesses a tremendous internal demanding market, and is located in world third consumer market for many electronic products currently. Given the advantages of relatively low cost of land, labor, etc, China predominate the world primary electronic output production base. Therefore, the embed chips demand induced by the demand and supply demonstrate a robust development strength, thus, drive China IC market to grow rapidly. However, in present, China IC know-how level is relatively lagging, and the self-production rate is low, making it insufficiently fulfill its internal market demands; 80% and above of the IC products inquire import. This supply–demand discrepancy appeals many overseas IC firms, include, Europe, America, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, enter China markets advance earlier. Taiwan IC design industry, compare to the China industry, has absolute advantages in marketing and product innovative experience, analog communication, as well as some critical know how. In addition, Taiwan is closer to the China market than Europe of America practitioners; therefore, Taiwan is able to respond to the difficulties encountered by its back-end customer more rapidly, thus, Taiwan certainly will remain a great share in China’s IC market while China market grow speedily on its own. This research will provide some suggestions for strategic decree and industrial aspect by discussing the influence of international variables (current world market status and future development) and China variables (know how construct, market development dynamic, government policy, human resource, industrial cluster) to the IC design industry, as well as by depth interviewing with case company managers; for the consideration of future Taiwan government policy and IC design practitioner investment in China market.


IC Design China IC Market Market Entry Mode


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10. 拓墣產業研究所(2004),LCD TV控制IC產業綜觀,拓墣科技。
13. 臺灣經濟研究院產業經濟資料庫,http://tie.tier.org.tw/
