  • 學位論文


Our Lady of Guadalupe and Her Influential Symbol: A Semiological Observation

指導教授 : 白方濟


瓜達盧貝聖母為墨西哥最受人景仰的宗教圖像之一,墨西哥人視祂為國家的代表人物,並將祂稱之為「墨西哥的象徵」。瓜達盧貝聖母的圖像奇妙地顯現在一張畫布上,且充滿了神祕的符碼,也因這些符碼的加持,使瓜達盧貝聖母的影響力與日俱增。聖母的影響力遍及各個領域(如:政治、社會、宗教、文化等),從墨西哥國內的人民到海外僑民,無不深受祂的影響。此外,瓜達盧貝聖母也因其在宗教與文化上的混血特質,而被賦予跨越藩籬與消弭差異的能力。因此瓜達盧貝聖母可視為一俱深遠意義的象徵符號,並以符號之姿對墨西哥造成巨大影響。 以象徵符號學觀之,我們得以探究瓜達盧貝聖母的象徵符號之謎及其構成重大影響之原因。瓜達盧貝聖母以歐洲天主教與美洲阿茲特克宗教的象徵符號為基礎,加上大眾不斷賦予祂各式的象徵意涵,使聖母廣泛獲得大眾的接納與共鳴,因此使其影響力日漸深遠,終成為具代表性的象徵符號。 以心理學觀之,我們得以明瞭造就其強大影響力的因果關係,聖母之所以造成如此強大的影響力,首先,其建立了墨西哥的國家認同、凝聚了國族意識。墨西哥人為感念祂如此的貢獻,便全心全意地為聖母獻身,並推崇祂為國家的代表人物,瓜達盧貝聖母自此被視為墨西哥的驕傲。再者,瓜達盧貝聖母被視為海外墨西哥人(如墨裔美國人)與祖國鍵聯的橋樑及排解鄉愁的慰藉。因此,祂被海外的墨西哥人視為(墨西哥)族裔的驕傲,且因眾人的集體意志結合而成為象徵符號,也以符號之姿影響眾人。綜上所述,瓜達盧貝聖母的意象及概念被轉化成象徵符號,並以此象徵符號對海內外墨西哥人造成驚人的影響。


Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of the most prestigious figures and most venerated religious icon in Mexico. Mexican people regard Her as the representative of the country; She is thus named the “Symbol of Mexico.” Guadalupe miraculously appears herself on a piece of cloth believed to contain numerous symbols. By functioning of the symbols, the Virgin of Guadalupe has gradually become an influential symbol through the process of the time. She has caused enormous influences in wide spheres such as politics, society, religion, culture…etc. Our Lady performs influences not only in Mexico but also in many overseas Mexican-based communities. Furthermore, the Virgin of Guadalupe embodies the syncretism of different concepts, and this makes Her a figure that is able to cross borders and mediate differences. Our Lady of Guadalupe has achieved magnificent influences in the form of symbol that contains countless meanings and implications. With the analysis to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Semiotic approaches, the mysteries of the symbols would be unveiled and the reasons of the influences would be discovered. With the religious bases of both European Roman Catholic and Amerindian Aztec/Nahua religions, Our Lady has particular religious indications that could cause influences. Besides, the implications of Guadalupe have been accumulated by collective powers as time goes by. Hence, She is then constructed as an influential symbol. And with the psychological analysis of the Guadalupan belief, we could understand the causations and reasons that form Her an influential symbol. One of the most important influences She has made is the construction of Mexican national symbol. Because of such contribution, the Virgin of Guadalupe has earned great venerations and believed to be the figure that stands for Mexico. Here, Guadalupe is considered as the national pride of Mexico. In addition, the overseas Mexicans also take Guadalupe as the figure that bridge themselves with their motherland. Hence, She is regarded as the ethnic pride of all Mexican-based people. The symbol of Guadalupe is constructed by the collective powers of all people, and She also reversely caused influences even in wider scale. Overall speaking, Our Lady of Guadalupe has caused holistic influences in the form of a symbol, and Her overwhelming influences has spread in Mexico and Mexican-based communities.


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