  • 學位論文

我國推動『促進民間參與機制』對公共服務特性影響探討 ∼以公共建設為例

Study on Public Service Character Changes from Private Participation in Infrastructure Constructions

指導教授 : 蘇睿弼 丁育群


引入民間資源參與公共建設的提供,是當前世界各國政府在面對財政問題時,極力推動的公共設施取得模式之一。但由於公共建設擁有許多外部性與公共性的特質,因此常發生無法在市場機制獨立運作下自然產生的狀況。當此項設施的提供對於社會發展有其存在的價值與意義時,便需要藉由政府的協助來產生,這也是政府與公共建設存在的意義與價值。 然而民間參與任何標的物的投資,其投資目地大多以追求個人利益極大化為首要,但政府在提供公共建設(服務)時則必須以公共利益為目的,因此當相關政策與配套措施建構未臻健全時,則公共建設原本所應提供的公共服務特性將會因為政府與民間的介入目的差異而有所改變。 因此本研究旨在探討民間參與機制下,公共服務特性的改變原因與改變的內容面向。由本研究可以發現,一方面政府預先改變公共建設的特質與內容,使標的物得以順利自償,並擁有足夠利潤以有效吸引民間投資者;另一方面民間業者也會藉由相關工作主導權的取得進而改變公共建設的服務特性,以增加個人利益。在這樣的雙重影響之下,造成公共建設的公共服務特性產生了改變,也進而影響了國家社會的整體發展與安定。 在本研究中,藉由對於台灣『目前所推動的民間參與機制』與『傳統採購機制』的比較,共歸納出了十三個可能造成公共服務特性改變的原因與二十九個公共服務特性改變的面向,並分別說明了造成的原因與改變面向對於公共建設的影響,希望本研究所提出的架構能提供未來政府在進行相關民間參與個案時,擁有較為完善的評估標準,以真正達成藉由民間資源提高公共建設(服務)的質與量、並創造政府、廠商、人民三贏的目標。


Nowadays when a country encounters financial deficit problems, promoting the private participation in infrastructure projects is one of the modes to construct public facilities. Since an infrastructure construction is different from the construction of common facilities because of its externality and publicity, an infrastructure construction cannot be generated naturally by only relying on market’s mechanism. Therefore, if the facility is significant to the development of society, it is intended that the government should help to construct it. This is also the reason why governments and infrastructure constructions exist. It is clear that the major purpose of a private company to participate in infrastructure projects is to pursue its individual maximum profit, while the government has to consider the public welfare when constructing public facilities and providing public services. Thus, if the related policies and contiguous packages are not sound, the public service characters provided by infrastructure constructions will be shifted from the origin due to the participation of private companies. Thus, this research would like to explore the reasons for the changes of public services and the aspects of these changes.In this research you can find: On the one hand, the government will in advance alter the characters and contents of an infrastructure construction in order to effectively attract the investment of private companies and enable the target facility to be self-return; On the other hand, a private company would like to increase its own profits by playing the leading role in the project and changing the characters of the infrastructure construction. Under the dual influences, the changes of public service of infrastructure constructions will affect the entire development and stabilization of the country eventually. By the comparison of “current private participation mechanism” and “traditional procurement mechanism” in this research, we concluded thirteen probable reasons for the changes of public service and twenty-nine aspects of the changes of public service. In addition, we illustrate the influence of probable reasons and the aspects of the changes on infrastructure constructions respectively. It is intended that this research can give a more proper estimation standard for the government to carry out the private participation projects, which will increase the quality and quantity of the public facilities and services. In the meanwhile, it will also bring about maximum profits for the government, private companies and citizens.


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