  • 學位論文


A Study of Long-Term Care Insurance and Trust System

指導教授 : 曾妙慧


國人平均壽命逐年增至80歲,但活的長壽卻未必活的健康,多數人一生中平均有將近10年會因癱瘓、失智等病痛所苦,不僅影響生活品質,亦對家庭照顧者造成負擔。社會經濟環境變遷使得生育率低落,進而造成家庭型態的轉變,人口結構老化更為快速,突顯了老年照顧、安養與醫療的重要性。 保險金信託係一項結合「保險」與「信託」的金融服務商品,如何透過信託制度,使長期照顧保險金能與照顧服務資源連結,發揮信託與保險應有之功能,乃本文之研究目的。 研究結果顯示目前實務上身故、完全殘廢保險理賠金的給付方式,多以現金給付為主,然而,「長期照顧」這一件事,除了金錢的支出之外還需要做相關照顧資源的連結。信託是一個能夠解決目前保險理賠僅係現金給付,而無法依現階段照顧需求給予適切的資源指引及所需服務的辦法。 研究建議如下:1.修正保險法,擴大保險金信託適用之範圍,同時適度調整保險業經營保險金信託之資格條件,或提供相關獎勵措施,使保險業能增加本業務之經營空間。2.開放信託業承作信託業法所定營業項目以外的服務,由傳統金錢信託管理,進一步提供照顧服務資源連結。3.透過獎勵措施鼓勵設立專業(營)信託之信託公司,以純粹信託的經營型態,替信託受益人作財產與生活照顧之規劃。


While the median longevity of the populace of Taiwan is approaching 80 years old, this does not mean that such longevity is associated with a healthy life, as a majority of people suffer an average of nearly ten years of bedridden convalescence, dementia or other troublesome diseases which affect not only the quality of life, but also create burdens on family caregivers. As the changing socioeconomic environment has meant a decline in birth rates, resulting in changing family types, and a rapidly ageing society emerging in the population structure, the importance of eldercare, convalescence and healthcare have become apparent. Insurance trusts are a financial services product combining the features and functions of “insurance” and “trusts”, so this study’s purpose explores how to deploy the trust system as interconnected with the long term care insurance and caregiving service resources, thereby realizing the capabilities of trusts and insurance. The study findings indicate that the insurance policy compensation mode for death or total disability, are mostly cash payments, while “long term care”, besides cash payments, requires interconnection with the relevant care resources. A trust can help resolve the current insurance policy compensation system limitation to cash payment modalities, but at present can ensure in the present stage of development the provision of care requirements with appropriate resource guidance and a means of delivering all the services needed. The study recommendations are as follows: 1. Amend the Insurance Act, to expand the scope of insurance trusts, while concomitantly appropriately adjusting the qualifications conditions for insurers engaging in insurance trust operations, or provide relevant subsidies and stimulus measures to encourage the insurance industry to enhance the operating space in these services. 2. Expand trust operators ability to deploy services beyond the existing scope of the Trust Act, from the traditional cash financial trust management so as to interconnect with care service resources.3. Deploy incentive measures to encourage establishment of professional (operators) trust firms, focused exclusively on a trust operations business type, which are able to provide trust beneficiaries with financial and life care planning.


