  • 學位論文


Renaming Policy in Taiwan during Japanese Colonial Period -In comparison with the case in Colonial Korea

指導教授 : 冨田哲


針對日據時代日本政府在臺灣所施行的改姓名政策進行研究,從法令的探討到實施的過程,從統治者的政策動機到被統治者的反應,再舉以當時改姓名者的實際經歷做為瞭解當時的改姓名者的背景與動機。論文中,藉由朝鮮「創氏改名」的研究成果佐以參照比較,以檢視臺灣與朝鮮兩地的改姓名政策的異同,做為對當時日本政府在兩地進行改姓名政策的動機進行解讀。  本論文的構成如下。第一章緒論,以研究動機為首,舉先行研究,再說明研究的方法。第二章則先就相關的法令與背景進行分析。第三章是藉由政策的實施過程來瞭解政策的變化階段。第四章則舉實例來瞭解當時被統治者的反應。第五章則綜觀各章節所述的對臺灣和朝鮮兩地異同的分析,提出筆者結論性的看法。


This thesis is about Renaming policy in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. The writer studied from the law of renaming policy to the process of execution, and also researched that motive of ruler and the reaction of the colonial people when Japanese government administrated this policy. In the other hand, the writer investigated into the history novels and experiences of being renamed Taiwanese who were talking about their experience from the dictation history books or autobiography. The writer also compared with the result of former researcher who investigated the renaming policy in Korea, so-called “soshikaime”, during the same time. In order to understand the motive of Japanese colonizer, the writer through this comparison to make sure the difference. The structure of This thesis mentioned as below. The first chapter talk about the motive, preceded study and method of this study. The second chapter is analysis of the law and background which concerning with the renaming policy. The third chapter research the change of policy through the policy process. The fourth chapter try to understand reaction of the colonized people through mentioned form experiences of renamed people. The fifth chapter is conclusion through all of the comparison between Taiwan and Korean which have been made an analysis of each chapter.


一. 日文:
古川傳吉(1933)《臺灣戶籍關係法規輯覽》,初版,臺北:臺灣總督官房法務課 臺法月報發行所。
