  • 學位論文


Samurai's Views on Life And Death

指導教授 : 劉長輝


今日,日本的「武士」文化已透過電影、漫畫、遊戲等媒介為世界所知。「武士」也已成為足以代表日本文化的產物之一,且為研究日本文化時無法忽視的存在。而藉由第二次世界大戰末期時於日本出現的神風特攻隊,「武士」思想中的死生觀更給予英美等西方各國深刻的震撼,並且自此開始被重視。其實,縱觀日本的歷史,從十二世紀末期開始日本便進入了武士主政的封建時期。換句話說,自鎌倉幕府時代開始至明治維新之間的約七百年,日本全國皆是由武士階級所統治。如此的背景之下,可見武士思想與日本文化間有著緊密的連結存在。   本論文旨在研究並探索上述之武士思想的死生觀。首先於序論之先行研究的部分,透過以往研究者們的成果,了解武士思想中的死生觀之特色,決定本論文往後之研究方向。第一章的第一節中,首先以透析武士思想的架構為目的,追溯日本武士階級的成立與經過。接著,於第二節中分析武士階級始成立之鎌倉時代中的武士思想原型,探討武士重視實質的傾向。接著,第二章中則分析武士思想與佛教思想之交流互動,並透析其相關之死生觀。首先於第一節中,概觀佛教傳入日本的歷史,了解其思想背景;接著於第二節中,概觀日本佛教中的淨土信仰及其起源,再分析其與武士思想之交流與影響;最後,於第三節中,分析日本禪宗的起源與其對武士的影響,並且概觀武士思想對禪思想的受容,探討武士獨創之覺悟的死生觀。第三章中,本論文探討武士思想中所受到之儒家思想的影響,以及其帶給武士之死生觀。首先於第一節中,概觀儒教思想傳入日本的歷史背景,再於第二節中,透過武士對儒家思想的受容,分析「忠」等儒家思想之德性帶給武士及其死生觀之影響。第三節中,則探討天下再度統一的江戶幕府期時崛起之官學化儒學的思潮,以及其與武士思想的接觸與交流,以了解當時武士的思想及其死生觀。   透過以上的內容,本論文發現武士的死生觀中存在有實質重視主義的中樞。換言之,雖然武士的死生觀受到儒教思想的德目以及佛教教義的影響,但其是以實質主義為主軸,有選擇性地對儒教與佛教的思想進行受容。而這些自各方受容入的思想習慣再與武士思想的死生觀結合,進而成為了武士思想中獨一無二的死生觀。


日本文化 武士 生死觀 死生觀 日本思想


From Kamakura Shogunate to Meiji Restoration, in about seven hundred years Janpan was dominated by warriors. Therefore, we can see that Japanese culture is connected to the Samurai ideas tightly. The object of this paper is Samurai’s Views on Life And Death. First, I studied the papers of previous scholar to understand the characteristic of Samurai’s Views on Life And Death and to decide the direction of my research. At the first section of the first chapter, I investigated and traced the origin of establishment and process of samurai. And at the next section, I analyzed the prototype of Kamakura Shogunate which is the beginning of samurai and investigated what did samurai place importance on. In second chapter, I researched the interaction between samurai and Buddhism and the same points on life and death. The first section is the overview of the history of Buddhism spreading into Japan and understood the view of Buddhism. The second section is conspectus of Japanese Pure Land Buddhist faith and its origins and then analyzed how did it influence on the samurai. At the end of this chapter, I analyze the origin of Japanese Zen and their impact on the samurai. I wanted to know the how Zen influenced samurai, and the original concept of Samurai’s Views on Life And Death. The third chapter investigated the effect of Confucianism to samurai. First section discussed the history of how did Confucianism spread into Japan. The second section analyzed how the Confucianism ideas such as “loyal” influence on samurai. At third section discussed the official Confucianism in Tokugawa Shogunate era which unified Japan again and the influence on samurai to understood Samurai's Views on Life And Death. Over the contents of the above, the paper found that although Samurai's Views on Life And Death is influenced by Confucianism and Buddhism, but it’s still the essence of Marxism as the main. It contains parts of Confucianism and Buddhism . Therefore, samurai combines with Confucianism and Buddhism to create the unique Samurai's Views on Life And Death.



