  • 學位論文


Examining the Sino-Russian Cooperative Relationship under the Obama Administration’s Rebalancing Strategy toward Asia-Pacific

指導教授 : 黃介正


美國總統歐巴馬於2012年1月12日於美國國防部公布新國防戰略指導方針,誓言維護美國在21世紀的全球領導地位,同時未來將以亞太地區為美國的戰略重點。此項亞太再平衡戰略對於崛起的中國和復甦中的俄羅斯均產生直接衝擊。北京與莫斯科當局在短期內雖缺乏與美國對抗的實力,然而中、俄兩國所擁有之地緣戰略與經濟影響力,仍可在彼此合作的架構下,對美國產生強大的反制效果,也因此促成雙方合作對抗美國亞太再平衡戰略的利益基礎。 在亞太再平衡戰略的架構下,歐巴馬政府以建構泛太平洋夥伴關係與亞太軍事戰略調整等兩大主軸,一方面力求確保在亞太經貿發展的主導權,另一方面以「空海一體戰」遠程兵力投射概念,反制中國在西太平洋地區的武力擴張,以達到恢復美國經濟實力、強化區域聯盟關係和鞏固亞太戰略利益的目標。此種戰略作為已使中、俄兩國合作關係強化。此種發展是否導致區域安全情勢改變,甚至演變為全球霸權之爭,將是影響21世紀全球安全發展的重要戰略轉折。 本研究將以歐巴馬的亞太戰略重點為主軸,剖析此項戰略調整對於中國與俄羅斯區域安全與經濟利益的影響,並推斷中、俄兩國可能採取的因應之道與亞太安全情勢可能產生之變化,進而瞭解未來美、中、俄三邊關係的發展與亞太安全情勢可能之走向。


The U.S. President Barack Obama promulgated new defense guidance at the Pentagon on January, 2012, which vowed to defend U.S. global leadership in the 21st Century and refocused on Asia-Pacific region as its future strategic pivot. This Rebalance of Asia-Pacific strategy is expected to have tremendous impact to rising China and reviving Russia. Though unable to directly challenge U.S. in terms of their current military strength, China and Russia still have great geostrategic and economic influence to the world. Through close cooperation, they can effectively counterbalance U.S. strategic power. This will be a basis of interests for China and Russia to unite together and resist U.S. rebalance of Asia-Pacific strategy. Under the design of rebalance of Asia-Pacific strategy, Obama administration attempted to apply building Trans-Pacific Partnership and refocusing military strategy to Asia-Pacific region as two pillars of this strategy. On the one hand, the U.S. will ensure its leading role in Asia-Pacific economic development and trade; on the other hand, it will use Air-Sea Battle expeditionary force projection concept to counter Chinese military expansion in the West Pacific region. By doing so, the U.S. can recover its economic strength, improve regional alliances and secure its strategic interests in Asia-Pacific region. Nonetheless, this strategic undertaking has force China and Russia to develop closer cooperative relations. Whether this development will change regional security paradigm and even cause global hegemonic struggle is a critical strategic turning point for the 21st Century global security environment. This study will focus on main pillars of President Obama’s new Asia-Pacific strategy and exploit the impacts of this strategic readjustment to regional security and economic interests of China and Russia so as to extrapolate possible responses by China and Russia and likely changes in Asia-Pacific security situation and understand trilateral relations development among the U.S., China and Russia and future development of Asia-Pacific security.




