  • 學位論文


The Chu culture is featured by the distinguishing of Chu Jade : The tomb of Zeng Houyi jade

指導教授 : 黃建淳


1978年於湖北隨縣擂鼓墩發掘的曾侯乙墓,被譽為20世紀中國重大的考古發現之一。該墓中帶有大量且豐富的隨葬器物,其中精雕細琢、結構新穎的精美玉器,便多達五百多件,數量之大、品類亦多,再加上墓中玉器有明確的年代界標作用,極具有研究價值。曾國經考證,應為史料所記載的隨國,原為姬姓諸侯,但之後成為楚國的附庸國。隨國長久立邦於楚地,深受楚文化浸潤,在地理環境及歷史背景種種因素影響下,造就曾玉的獨特色彩。 楚人崇巫尚鬼,其所創造的玉雕,不論題材或是慣用的設計手法,都有其文化內涵,深具特色。曾侯乙墓位於楚文化核心的要津之地,察其玉器上的紋飾風格,具備豐富的楚式特點及濃厚的地域文化風格。除了地域色彩的彰顯之外,在春秋時期,因應時代風潮而興的「以玉比德」,到了戰國重視功利的時代風氣中,「以玉比德」反成為僭越禮制的「以玉比富」。僅是楚國附庸下的曾國,其墓中大量的隨葬品,更是彰顯了斯時「以玉比富」的炫耀之風。因此本文除以曾侯乙墓玉器中所見的楚文化特色為研究重點外,對於玉器上所顯露的時代特徵,亦是本文研究的旨趣所在。 本文透過文獻與考古資料的整理比對,發現曾玉的獨特之處外,更為深具楚風的漢玉,奠下了文化豐碩而多采多姿的基礎,是為本文研究的重要心得。


In 1978 ,the tomb of Zeng Houyi was discovered in the Hubei Sui Xian ,which is considered one of the most significant archaeology discoveries during 20th century.In this grave were massive and rich buried funerary utensil, especially it's fine vulture fine-pointed finish, the structure of fine jade carving were more than 500 pieces, the great amount of the quantity and the number of the items were both amazing .In addition ,the jade in the grave was carved the explicit age, which has the extremely research value .Zeng Dynasty was researched as Sui Dynasty in recorded history ,originally surnamed the Ji feudal lord and afterwords becoming the colony of Sui Dynasty .Sui Dynasty set up the nation in the region of Chu for a long time and was deeply educated about Chu culture .Under the influence of geographical environment and the all sorts of historical perspective factors , Zeng Jade was accomplished the unique color. Chu people worshiped witches and believed in ghost .Its created jade carving,~no matter in the theme or the habitually used design technique, all had its cultural connotation with deep characteristic.The Tomb of Zeng Houyi was located in the Chu culture core place of the strategic point, observing on its jade carving with the decorative designed in a styled utensil and has the rich Chu type characteristic and the thick regional culturual style.Besides revealing the regional color, in the Chun Chou Dynasty “the jade which is popular in accordance to the time to morality has taken the utility to the atmosphere, instead of becoming "the jade to Morality" ,"the jade to richly” has taken place.Zeng Dynasty was under the control of Chu Dynasty ,the massive funerary objects in its grave had revealed "the jade to rich” which is the atmosphere of showing off . Therefore ,this article recognized Jade of Han dynasty in Chu cultural characteristic and the unique of Zeng Jade .They not only show the base of plentiful culture but the idea of after read which this article was studied about.


孫慶偉,《戰國玉器》,臺北:財團法人震旦文教基金會,民國96 年9 月。
1990 年,頁146-150。
報》,1983 年第2 期,頁59-62。
